Chapter XX

45 2 1

Reversed melody

At home, after dinner, both Lukia and I went straight to our rooms. For some reason, I was excited. I hadn't felt this way in a long time.

Curled up on my mattress, I looked at my phone. An alert had popped up on the screen. It was a reminder of the outing with Yuu on Saturday.

—The hangout with Yuu... I'd almost forgotten about it. –I thought as I placed my mobile phone back on the bedside table. –If I think about it, it's like we had a date... –I whispered, looking up at the ceiling. –What am I thinking?! –Realising what I was saying, I smacked my face with both hands, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

—She ha the same strange delusional habit as Luchia. –I heard her say from behind my half-open door.

—Shut up Hippo! –I shouted, throwing my pillow in his face.

At sunrise, for the first time in a long time, I smiled with joy at being able to go to class. I put on my uniform and fixed my briefcase.

I left my room to go to the kitchen for breakfast, but I was stopped by voices on the terrace.

—Did you become comfortable being a mermaid princess? –It was a woman, maybe Hanon or Rina.

—Yeah, I want to protect the sea for everyone. –That was Lukia's voice.

—I see, that's good. –The other woman replied.

—But, is this really ok? Even if you have to give up your love for this human boy? –Another voice commented.

—That's... –And after that word that I could barely hear, I walked back to my original destination.

I grabbed an apple and wrote a little note, explaining that I didn't have time to have breakfast with them. After that, I headed straight to school.

The energy I had managed to have in the morning vanished in the blink of an eye. I didn't care so much about the two new characters or the ice cream with Yuu. I didn't really care anymore.

—Why does it bother me that they keep things from me? I mean, Lukia isn't really my sister, and I don't really care about her love story either... –I muttered, clutching the briefcase to my chest. –Besides, I have my own mission, I don't have time to think about Lukia's life. –I said to myself, picking up my pace to get to the institute.

—Hello again. –Static at the sound of that voice, a bead of sweat slid down my forehead. –I'm sorry for the way I acted at our last meeting. I shouldn't have screamed like that when you sang your song. It was very inconsiderate of me, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or offended you. I hope we can start again. –As I turned on my heel, there she was, with that smile full of love and sincerity. –My name is Rouge, and my job is to catch you. –She reintroduced herself as she had at our first meeting.

—Shit... Can't they let me go a single day without one of Fuku's goddamn maids showing up?! –I thought indignantly. But before I could transform into an idol, a fog (just like the other time) flooded the place.

It was so thick that I couldn't even see Rouge. –Are you looking for me? I'm flattered, but no matter how hard you try, I'm always two steps ahead. And this time you won't spoil the show for me. –And after saying that, the mist began to move, revealing the woman in front of me.

With a wave of her hand, she made the mist concentrate around her. A few seconds later, the black-stranded woman had disappeared, leaving behind her an exact copy of me in her singing costume.

The dress, which was now entirely black, matched the heels of the same colour. In turn, the gloves and the short skirt shared the same dirty pink. She also had the winged microphone that both Kairi and I wore, but she did not wear the shell pendant.

—H-how? –I questioned in disbelief.

—Sonata dominates the winds with her graceful dancing, Genevieve controls the crowd with her beautiful voice and I, with my great acting skills, imitate my enemy to perfection. –She explained, as her voice changed to mine.

—Sonata and Genevieve? I don't know that one, and I'd rather keep it that way. –I mentally commented as I listened to her naming what, I thought, were her companions. –But that doesn't matter now, I have to do something or- –Before I could do anything, music started to play.

—Y/N! –In the distance I heard Kairi's voice shouting for me. –You idiot, can't you do anything without me! –She exclaimed, to which I tried to answer her with a laugh, but I couldn't.

For I was on the floor, lying there writhing in pain from that hate-filled song. My vision was blurring, but it was clear enough to see the brown-skinned girl trying to fight the villain in a singing battle.

But it had no effect. She fell limply to the ground in short order. Was it because she was using my voice? But without my pearl it shouldn't be so powerful. How then? My eyelids begin to feel heavier than usual, and it started to be difficult to stay awake.

—Y/N... Y/N... Y/N... –A warm, melodious voice began to call out to me. –Y/N, you can't give up. –Unlike when Kairi called for me, this voice was not afraid of what was to come, but calm, as if it knew that everything was going to be alright. –There's still a lot to fight for. –A blinding light engulfed the place.

—The... Goddess... of Water? –The singer in blue murmured, almost in a whisper.

Gleaming as the first time I saw her, Aqua Regina stood before us. –You cannot let your hearts succumb to her song. She can imitate your singing, but she cannot match your power. –Approaching the two of us, the woman in white extended her sceptre towards us. –Kairi, you have done a great job helping Y/N. And you, my little rainbow mermaid, are doing very well. That's why I can't leave you without hope. After this I will definitely cease to exist, so take this help I give you with open hands. –And, after that, our shells began to vibrate until they opened, letting out our pearls. Both spheres went to the sceptre of the goddess, where they found a third pearl waiting for them.

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