The Chaotic Seating Arrangement

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Loki soon appeared right in front of the screen. She had changed into a white cloak but as usual you couldn't see her face.  The guests were still roaming around the room staring at canvas's. Except Neville and Luna of course who were napping in their chairs. 

" What is that your eating, Draco?" Loki hoovered over to him. He was glaring at the Golden Trio's Photo college. 

" Its called Sour Patches" Draco stares at the bag " Never heard of it but it has a sting that I like". 

" Oh, That's a Muggle candy" Loki pointed out. 

In a Quick two seconds, Draco was spitting aggressively. He had gained attention from everyone from his actions. His spit had hit Loki's cloak. She rolled her eyes and clapped cleaning the mess. 

" That's Nasty" Ginny complained.

" It can get a lot nastier" Draco snarls " You've fed me Muggle Sweets". 

"First off you took it off the cart and  I didn't expect you to take it. I didn't find you Brave enough to try something new" Loki huffed. 

" Get some manners, Draco" Narcissa scolded him. 

" Disgrace" Lucius mumbled. 

" What was the sweet that he spit out like that even?" Harry asked more curiously. 

" Sour Patches" Loki turned to the other side of the theatre. 

" Sour Patches" Ginny raised her own pack of Sour Patches " I love Sour Patches". 

" Me too" Loki nodded. 

" He doesn't like it because its a Muggle Sweet" Hermione rolled her eyes, shaking her head. 

"Well, Find your seats. We have to react to something, Traumatizing" Loki hoovered to her podium. 

" Traumatizing" Ron repeats. 

" Yup, at least for me" Loki says " For other's No". 

The seats were in 3 rows. The first 2 rows had six seats while the last row had five rows. Neville and Luna were already on the first two seats of the first row. 

" Hell No" Draco yelled. 

" Oh my God, will you shut up" Ginny grumbled " You've been making fool of yourself since the start". 

" She's not wrong" Narcissa tilts her head towards Ginny who smiled. 

" No, she is " Bellatrix argues " He's making a fuss over the right things. Depends on what this one is though."

" They've placed me next to the Mudblood!" Draco shrieks.

" With no remorse you said that" Loki makes him fall. 

" Depends which Mudblood your talking about" Bellatrix falls as well. 

" Their is only one" Lucius tells her " Maybe Loki though, but she doesn't sit with us". 

" It can't be " Hermione whispers as she walks down to the first row just to see in bold letters her name " What the hell, Why?" 

" Its to piss Draco off" Loki replies as she laid on her podium. 

" Of course" Draco's anger gets stronger. 

" That doesn't benefit me" Hermione snarls. 

" If he says any fucked up stuff you can slap him easier without the death eater trio stopping you" Loki tells her with a smirk. 

" That's a deal" Hermione sits down smirking at him. 

" No" Draco shouts " I will not-". 

He couldn't even finish his sentence before Loki had glued him to the seat. he squirmed trying to move but obviously he couldn't. Draco began to curse under his breath. 

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