Teen Wolf: We Brought An Alpha

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requested by: Brianna172953


"I'm back.." Loki slowly entered the room.

"Finally, some peace and rest" Draco scoffs,

"How can I have peace and rest?" Loki asked.

"Oh, you're not" Draco nods "But you make sure everyone gets over it quickly."

"I always hate when you leave for ten minutes" Pansy sighs.

"Aww, Thanks" Loki smiled "I feel appreciated."

"You should feel like shit!" Ron yelled.

"Then there's that.." Loki quickly teleports to her podium.

"What are you up to?" Luna asked quietly.

"The last of the teen wolf era" Loki smiles.

"Oh, I'll miss it" Lupin frowns.

"Just a minute," Loki tells them.

"I guess we better get started," Neville mumbled.

"It's 15,000 for Derrick."

"Bribe?" Blaise realized.

"Ransom" Hermione said, still trying to contain her sniffles.

"Kidnapping" Pansy concludes.

"Those all work" Narcissa rolled her eyes, not understanding why the conversation was just random words.

"Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this."

"He's a copy of Harry Potter" Ginny said, laughing but her laughing ceased rather quickly as if it was a sin to talk about him.

"In Tik Tok olden days, we would have said dupe" Loki snorted.

"I think I remember that phase," Ron mutters.

"Either way, he shouldn't have that amount of money available to him" Lucius announced.

"But then how come the same wasn't done to Potter, that's what is currently being talked about" Snape replied.

"I don't give Draco that amount of money," Lucius says.

"He doesn't" Draco shakes his head, confirming what his father said.

"Why would he need that amount of money, when all he has to do is ask his parents to get it for him" Ginny speaks slightly frustrated.

"Exactly" Harry acknowledged "Also circling back, their friend got kidnapped. If Ron for example got kidnapped, I would get all my money no matter any barrier."

"Your brave" Sirius smirked "A Gryffindor."

"About right," Lupin smiles.

"Japanese mafia?"

"Mafia?" Luna questioned.

"Specifically the Japanese mafia.." Pansy whispers.

"That sounds so random," Ron giggles.

"Especially for a show about wolves" George laughs "And all of a sudden, we are talking about a Japanese mafia."

"I mean we don't have context, so anything could sound weird" Narcissa shrugs.

"But that does make the most sense how he could have gotten the money," Fred remarked.

"Then he has to have done serious evil" Hermione gasps.

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