Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

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requested by: high0ff_pussyjuice

" What exactly was embarrassing?" Loki asks, She slowly turned herself to Bellatrix. 

" Everything, I would have personally taken that disrespect" Bellatrix raises a finger " A jet of green flashes would be surrounded that room with the next smell of dying corpses". 

" I see.." Loki pretends " Um, we have more music to react to". 

" More Music?" Hermione groans " I've been getting tired of music". 

" The fans love you all reacting to music though, I can't disappoint them" Loki frowned. 

" Fans?" Pansy repeats.

" I refuse to believe Loki has fans" Draco snorted. 

" I never inferred they were my fans-" 

" So Who's fans?" Harry asked " If their fans of us being held here against our will to react,  I feel uncomfortable knowing people watch me react to this". 

" I was just kidding" Loki waves it off. 

" Ok, sure" Hermione tilts her head. She didn't believe Loki about their being no fans. 

"Alright, alright" 

" I have no words for that fit" Ginny says basically. 

" Is that a positive or negative thing?" Fred grabbed her hair as a joke. 

" Ow!" Ginny screams" You think your so funny but I don't know". 

" If you don't know anything don't say a word" Pansy shushes her. 

" Please, keep acting like you give a damn about muggle music" 

" Oh, I'm forced. So I'll have to watch either way"

"Alright, alright"

"Alright, alright, it's a hell of a feeling though"

" Oh it's club" Harry notices. 

" The fit doesn't match" Ginny says. 

" That's your opinion" George leans in. 

" The music is in the Pop rock or rock genre somewhere" Luna detects. 

" It's in the rock/ alternative indie genre" Loki smiles. 

" Your right" Neville rejoices. 

" Eh, I honestly just guessed" Luna shrugs. 

"It's a hell of a feeling though" 

" This seems like a dangerous place" Narcissa comments. 

" Death Eater club" Hermione says. 

" That would be a perfect place". 

" It wouldn't-" 

" The music would match the vibe" Blaise adds. 

" No It wouln-" 

" Exactly" Hermione claps. 

" Their has got to be a ship for you two" Draco points to them. 

" I hope not" Blaise folds his arms. 

" Their is A03, It's possible" Loki says

" That would be-"

" Me too, were just people that tolerate each other" Hermione describes. 

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