Snape's memories Part 2

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"MEMORIES" Loki shouts.

"That felt like years," Harry sighs "I need the rest of the tea."

"I want to watch more of the obsession" Sirius clicks his tongue.

"I am not excited," Snape declared.

"Me either, everything I have thought of you...just diminished in a couple of minutes" Lucius sighs.

"It's okay" Dumbledore says "There will be someone for you to conspire evil with."

"Don't lie to him," McGonagall sighed.

"If you truly loved her.."

"Which he didn't" Sirius shouted "It was a creepy obsession."

"Someone's trying to tell me what love feels like" Snape scoffs.

"So you're confirming all of this" Lucius's eyes widened "You loved a.."

"Lily Evans" Snape finished his sentence.

"It's creepy," Sirius says.

"I don't understand how if girls stalk men and make weird jokes it's being delusional and I seemingly show care but in a non-stalker way, I am the creep" Snape explained.

"It's cause you have a penis" Ginny says.

"How do you know?" Snape raised an eyebrow "I can have the genitalia of a female and no one would know."

"What are you trying to say?" Harry blinked.

"I don't know."

"No one can know.."

"I know" Neville raises his hand.

"Clearly" Draco scoffs "We all know."

"We all know Snape's darkest of secrets" Pansy laughs "We should all have medals."

"Technically, I am the only one watching it" Harry winks.

"Privileged" Sirius jokes.

"Of being alive," Lupin adds.

"Humor" Ginny noticed.

"I shall never reveal the best of you, Severus."

"He went to Godric's Hollow?" Harry practically screamed.

"Movie wise" Loki added.

"Stir the pot, why not?" Lupin laughed.

"My question is the stance" Ginny cackled.

"She's stealing my screaming tactics" Bellatrix got offended.

"The stance is just so..." Pansy snorts.

"Pig like" Ron murmurs.

"I was going to say sumo wrestler but okay" Blaise says.

"I was actually never gonna finish my sentence," Pansy says.

"Your word?"

"Can you risk your life every day to protect the boy?"

"Protect?" Harry repeats.

"I am flabbergasted," Hermione states.

"We can tell by your face," Ron says.

"But still..protect?" Fred scoffs.

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