Shorts & Toks Part 11

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"  Just a little warning that I may repeat some Shorts & Toks if I don't remember" Loki says " and you're all gonna pretend as if I have never showed you this".

" What a lovely way to tell us that we are on Shorts & Toks" Draco hisses.

" Part what now?" Pansy asks.

" Part 11" Neville says.

" Your right" Loki claps " Anyway, First one". 

" Isn't that the ring Malfoy gave you"

" Oh , Ew Dracotok" Hermione scoffed.

" Should have warned us that it was a POV" Harry sighs.

" I thought you would get over it by now" Loki shrugs.

" Yeah, why?"

" Good question," Pansy says.

" Didn't you guys break up 3 months ago"

" It's giving obsessed" Ginny says.

" That's actually embarrassing,"' Hermione whispers.

" Like come on he wasn't that good" George rolls his eyes.

" I was," Draco argues.

" Y/N needs to stand up" Harry says.

" Yeah..."

' Isn't it weird to still wear the ring if you're not dating?'

" Yes, it's very much weird" Narcissa says.

" Delusional Y/N" Fred shakes his head.

" I guess it is".

" It's not an 'I guess' it's a very much yes it is" Blaise scoffs.

" Allow Y/N to be Delusional" Ron rolls his eyes " She'll find out the hard way".

" Why don't you take it off?"

" and why is my initial a P while everyone's is their first name" Harry notices.

" It's just a minor mistake, perhaps" Neville says.

" I'd like to see her do it," Draco smirks.

" Your right" Takes off the ring.

" Let me guess, it's gonna show a depressed Malfoy" Ginny smirks.

" If it does, I'm gonna be depressed" Draco shakes his head.

" I'll be depressed by this cringe," Sirius gags.

" I think everyone will get a dose of some type of cringe right Narcissa?' Fred turns to Narcissa.

" I'm already dying of cringe," Narcissa answers.

" Don't look y/n, Malfoy's watching"

" Ain't no way" Ginny starts to chuckle.

" In fact, they fit each other" Hermione says " Stalking one another"

" I would turn around," George says.

" Oh no"

" I'm depressed now," Draco says.

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