Bonus Scene: Snape and Occlumency Lessons

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"Oh" Loki tilted her head.

"What?" Luna asked.

"I did not expect this to be up next," Loki said.

"What's next?" Neville raised an eyebrow.

"She probably was going to answer that" Pansy rolled her eyes.

"It's just a bonus scene from your 5th year," Loki said.

"Their 5th year" Ginny pointed at Harry and the others.

"Except me," Luna smiled.

"And us," Fred quipped, high-fiving George.

"Doesn't matter, in the books, we consider this the 5th year and the movies does too so I am going to address it as such" Loki grumbled.

"She's annoyed," Ron laughed.

"Just a tiny bit" Loki clicked play.

*Snape drags Harry down the stairs*

"What a lovely way to recommence this showing" Snape smiled.

"We haven't watched our own scene in so long," Harry said.

"I know, what's so special about this?" Ron asked.

"Snape being an asshat" Sirius predicted.

Snape rolled his eyes.

"The best guess, honestly" Ginny nodded.

"It appears there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and your own."

"Scary," Luna commented.

"You must have felt blessed" Draco hissed.

"Oh shut that pie hole" Ginny groaned.

"I like taunting people," Draco said.

"We understand" Blaise hid a chuckle, poorly.

"Nothing's funny" Hermione glared at him.

"Of course," Blaise nodded.

"Whether he is yet aware of this connection is for the moment unclear, pray he remains ignorant."

"I would have been on my knees" Neville muttered.

His row started to laugh at his statement, including the ones above him.

"You mean if he knows about it then he'll be able to read my mind."

"No shit Sherlock," Ginny said.

"I am clearly unwell" Harry points out "I am breaking out in sweat, you'd think I understand what I am comprehending."

"Damn, calm down..." Ginny turned away.

"Read it, control it, unhinge it."

"Basically madness," Hermione frowned.

"What a terrible way to kill someone" Blaise said "Inside out."

"You think so deeply," Pansy commented.

"No, I'm just a little bit dark," Blaise smiled.

"Oh" Narcissa muttered.

''In the past it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness."

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