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" We're going to continue to watch your 7th year" Loki says.

" Finally, maybe I can understand more what the hell is going on," Sirius says.

" Yeah, maybe," Lupin agreed.

" She's coming back," Hermione says.

" No, shit" Draco whispers.

" What the hell, you all look so grown" Sirius gasps.

" Well, time travels," Lupin shrugs.

" Who's that with her?" Ron asks.

" I actually can't see who she is with," Neville squints.

" I can't either" Luna squints even more.

" Maybe, it's intentional," Ron thinks.

" Perhaps it is," Luna says.

* The Portrait starts to open*

" What the hell-" Blaise starts to speak.

" It's a secret passageway?" Hermione infers.

" I mean, it's a very good secret opening," Blaise whispers.

" A Good hiding spot" Fred comments.

" Neville?" Harry says,

" NEVILLE?!?!"

" Oh, it's me, '' Neville says shyly.

" You're going to be a hero" Luna chants.

" That's a brave claim" Pansy snickers.

" I believe it," Luna says.

" You look like hell, I reckon"

" Still looks uglier than ugly" Pansy spits.

" And you still look like you dated every guy in your class" Sirius says.

" Are you trying to infer that I'm a hoe"

" I am trying to infer what I am trying to infer"

" I would stay in your lane, Black and stop insulting my Students" Snape spoke up.

" How about, No?" Sirius turned around " I can speak my mind".

" You've never changed have you?" Snape snarls " Picking on people that were never your size".

" I don't" Sirius argued " I speak for the truth".

" Can we end this useless argument? Narcissa gets annoyed.

" If he stops first" Snape hisses.

" No" Sirius growls.

" SHUT UP" Loki screams.

" This is nothing, Seamus worse".

" God damn" Ginny comments.

" Hell, we've got a couple more coming through"

" Don't remember this on the marauders map"

" Right," Harry says.

" Me either," Sirius whispers.

"it's because it never existed till now".

" That's sad, I was gonna try and check it out" Hermione sighs.

" Just wait a few years," Ron says.

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