Tweets & Memes Part 10

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" You know what could be more interesting" Loki clicks a few times and something appears on their screen. 

" ROUND 10" Neville shouts. 

" OF TWEETS & MEMES" Loki pulled out a Party Blower. 

" Is the Party Blower necessary?" Harry groans. 

" Yes, it is because it's a special day" Loki smiled " Oh also Happy New Year". 

" New years-" 

" We'll celebrate both by some cake and popcorn" Loki claps. 

The characters watched as a cake carved out as the number 10 and popcorn arrived. 

" This looks so-" Ron began to immediately devour it.  Luna cringed at his behavior. 

" Get a little taste of what I have to deal with" Hermione groaned. 

" So...It's 2023" Draco was carefully cutting his cake with manners as he did he noticed Ginny and the twins eating without any care. 

" Yes, it is" Loki squealed " Time is flying". 

" I will be too, if those pigs don't stop eating like that" Lucius sneered, He was glaring at Fred and George.

" Lucius, calm down" Dumbledore tapped him. " Their just eating" 

" Just eating?" Lucius repeated " It seems that the muggles have brainwashed you". 

" Indeed, they have" Bellatrix spat.

 " I don't have time for this" Loki sighed " I have more things to do so let's show you a tweet".

 " I don't have time for this" Loki sighed " I have more things to do so let's show you a tweet"

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" I think this is honestly quite beautiful and sad" Loki says.

" Aww" Ginny frowns " I'm really good that our world was an escape". 

" I never would have thought my shitty life would make people not commit suicide" Harry sadly smiles. 

" I mean its not just yours but the Wizarding world in general" Hermione says " The wizarding world helped them escape". 

" I mean I could say the same, I love Hogwarts" Luna smiles. 

" Hogwarts is a place for everyone and I mean everyone" Dumbledore adds emphasis. 

" We get what your saying" Lucius rolls his eyes.

" We get what your saying" Lucius rolls his eyes

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