Aberforth Dumbledore

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" Ok, yeah well another round because I'm actually trying to finish this movie quickly" Loki huffed.

" Why so quickly?" Neville asks.

" Because I've got a lot of things to make you react to" Loki nods.

" Dumbledore gave us a job to do"

" Which was to look for Horcruxes" Ron comments.

" Who the hell is he?" Pansy asks.

" We will obviously find out," Luna whispers.

" Nice Job. Easy"

" It's not exactly easy.." Hermione trails off.

" Honestly, who is this old bloke?" Blaise says.

" Were Hunting Horcruxes".

" That's a huge bomb to drop on him" Ginny says " So Casual".

" Potter is in his I don't give a fuck era" Draco smirks.

" Yes, I'd say so," Harry shrugs.

" We think the last ones are in the Castle and we need your help getting in"

" The Quality is terrible," Lucius comments.

" Atrocious really" Draco scoffs.

" I can barely see, I have no interest in this scene" Bellatrix agrees.

" Well, you better manage it or miss important information from this scene" Loki hisses.

" For example, I think that's my brother and on the wall.." Dumbledore hymns.

" Yes, It's Aberforth and your.. sister Ariana" Loki says.

" Whatever job my brother has given you it's a suicide mission".

" He seems to be the more logical Dumbledore" Bellatrix talks to McGonagall.

" How would I know?' McGonagall replies with a tone to her voice.

" That's a confirmation that it is my brother" Dumbledore gasps.

" Wow" Snape says with no emotion.

" Well, It's a suicide mission I am willing to die for" Harry says honestly.

" Not me" Draco shakes his head.

" The different Morales between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin" Ginny looks to Harry then to Draco.

" Do yourself a favor boy and go home"

" He has no home" Blaise states.

" Yea, sold it " Harry sighs " I have no home and any place I go they will want to kill me no matter what. So, what's the point of ending something that I've already started knowing they will still want to kill me from what I started".

" A Lot of words that I have no clue from what you said" Fred gushed.

" Live a little longer"

" Emphasis on the little" Draco snorts in laughter.

" They would just kill me in no time. Living a little longer could be the time I use to kill him" Harry thought out.

" That's right," George says.

" Dumbledore trusted me to see this through".

" and he's dead if I may add" Lucius takes a drink from Loki's tray.

" I do still trust him to finish this even in my death" Dumbledore whispered a thank you to Loki before she moved to the next.

" What makes you think you can trust him?"

The theater practically gasped at Aberforth's words except Dumbledore. He saw it coming and had a straight face throughout.

" How can a brother say that?" Ron gasps.

" If you're not close knit brothers like us" George winked.

" We had a fall out" Dumbledore only says.

" I wonder why," Narcissa whispers.

" I think we have a clue, cissy," Bellatrix smirks.

" Of course," Narcissa nodded.

'" What makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you?"

" Because it's Dumbledore, everybody trusts him," Hermione explains. She grabbed a drink from Loki's tray.

" Does everybody trust him?" Draco scoffs " It's every house but the Slytherins who trust him".

" You don't have a base or foundation on why you trust him" Blaise tries to explain " You only trust him on your previous actions".

" I still trust him.." Harry trailed off. Even though he still trusted Dumbledore, it made him think of what Elphias had said about Dumbledore's sister and what he had been hiding and what else could Dumbledore possibly be hiding. Also with Blaise's point and how Dumbledore had abandoned him during the summer how can he actually trust Dumbledore and where did that trust come from?

" In all the time you know him did he ever mention my name?"

" He never mentioned his family" Luna brought up randomly " He never did".

" Anything you have to say" Bellatrix mocked Dumbledore with her frown.

" Let them watch" Dumbledore sipped his drink.

" Did he ever mention her?"

" No" Harry frowned.

"Dumbledore is a lot more cunning than you think" Lucius says.

"I still can't wrap my head around what happened to her" Hermione sighed.

" It's a tragedy that I shall not want to speak about," Dumbledore says.

" Or did he secrets you to me"

" I trusted him".

Draco, Pansy and Blaise start laughing out of nowhere.

" What is so funny? Did I miss a joke?" Neville looks around.

" Don't worry they are being little mad things" Ron pats his shoulder.

" No, it's" Draco tries to calm himself " His only rebuttal is that 'I trust him"

And all three of them go back into their little laughter and Bellatrix joins them.

" There's gotta be more than that?' Harry whispers from embarrassment for his future self.

" That's a boy's answer. a boy who goes chasing Horcruxes in the word of a man who won't even tell him where to start. You're lying".

* Clip ends*

" It seems my relationship with Aberforth hasn't really changed," Dumbledore shrugs.

" I mean what did you expect?" Snape says.

" I mean, that is a reasonable question" Hermione says " How can you trust?"

" I'm pretty sure someone said that about not knowing where to start," Neville says.

" Yea, getting deja vu but I don't know where". Ron nods. 

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