Shorts & Toks Part 9

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" So...Basically ever since Trump has been the president of America its literally been crazy time" Hermione tried to conclude. 

" Yup" Loki nodded. 

" Thankfully, I live in England" Draco smirks. 

" Your Queen's Dead and you've got a King that has sausage hands" Loki rolls her eyes. 

" Nice, History err Future history" Harry smiles. 

" Yes" Loki moved to her podium " Now, We will be moving unto out Shorts & Toks segment". 

" That's exciting" Luna beamed.

" Yes, Now I'm going to present the first Short & Tok" 

" Just so you know I screamed when I saw this tik tok especially for Emily" Loki tells them. 

" Who's Emily?" Harry asks. 

' The Blonde one" 

" Their all Blonde.."

" White Blonde Female" 

" Passing the phone to someone who thinks their Draco Malfoy"

" Nobody can be" Draco has a smug look. 

" Oh we know" Ginny says " As Arrogant, selfish, ugly-" 


" Oh its Chanel" McGonagall recognizes " She cosplays me"

" We remember" Dumbledore assures her. 

" I'm passing the phone to someone who actually is Draco Malfoy"

" Its a girl" Pansy looks confused. 

" I think I've mentioned this before, most girls cosplay Draco" Loki says. 

" Right.." Pansy looks away now.

" She sounds like him when he was in second year" Hermione notices. 

" And her hair is platinum blonde like really blonde" Blaise says. 

" She's got the looks" Ron nods. 

" I guess" Draco only says. He didn't really have anything to say especially since she was a girl. He felt it was a backhand compliment and that they were calling him a girl. 

" So That's Emily" Harry says.

" I've been watching her since she first blew up" Loki explains " She use to hate it when people said she looked like him and she got use to it. She started actually cosplaying him I remember when we'd all tag Tom so he could notice her which did happen. When she first collaborated with Chanel. Also her brother's name is Harry". 

" I prefer that Draco" Harry looks in Draco's eyes. Draco ignores him still annoyed. 

" Did I mention she ships Drarry?" Loki adds. 

' Uh- I don't know how to feel anymore" Harry clears his throat.

" So who is actually Draco Malfoy?" Narcissa raises her eyes. 

" I think we know" George whispers. 

" I am Draco Malfoy" 

" Le gasp" Ginny puts her hand over her chest in a surprised gesture. 

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