【HP|Fancast】The Black Family

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requested by: Hourglassnovel_2020


"Edit?" Harry jumps "About me?"

"No, we've reached the end of another mini era" Loki says "I guess this person really likes the marauder era."

"So, this is about me?" Sirius groans.

"Not really just you but the Blacks in general" Loki explains.

"So, I'm in it?" Bellatrix asks.

"Your fancast, I think I've mentioned before how Morgana in the TV series, Merlin, is young Bellatrix's fancast." Loki says.

"Yea, you have" Draco shakes his head and mutters "What a way to taint her character."

"Not as long as the last one but enjoy" Loki clicks on play.

"Which, I won't" Sirius grumbles.

"This is the Black Family, I hated them a lot."

"Blood Traitor" Bellatrix growled from her seat above.

"Not only a Blood traitor but a Family traitor" Lucius sneered.

"I don't think you really have the right to talk after that last video" Dumbledore mentions.

"It was really pathetic and low for you," Sirius added.

"An insult to our line" Bellatrix added.

"I think that's enough" Snape rolled his eyes.

"You don't have the right to talk" Bellatrix glared at him.


"Morgana" Bellatrix noted. "We do look alike."

"You're making him angry when you say that" Ginny pointed at Draco.

"Shut up" Draco scoffed.

"He can get all angry that people choose Morgana as younger me" Bellatrix smirks "She is very pretty though."


"MY FAVOURITE COUSIN" Sirius shouts.

"She is the best option," Lupin says.

"EWW, I HATE HER" Bellatrix screams. "Filthy thing"

Narcissa kept quiet.

"She is not bothering you so why bother her" McGonagall grunts.

"She is" Bellatrix insists "The mention of her name, my leg starts to cramp."


"I haven't seen that scene of me yet" Narcissa notices.

"You'll probably see it soon," Fred says "More screen time."

"I want more screen time," George mutters.

"We'll probably get it soon" Fred assures him "We need some humour in this battle."


"That's the most handsomest man in the room" Sirius smirks.

"I admire your confidence," Ginny tells him.


"I want to be exactly like you one day except that you're technically dead" Ginny smiled.

"Unfortunate canon events" Sirius sighs.


"I bet Loki is upset that Timothee Chalamet isn't in this little snippet" Ron has a smug look on his face.

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