Voldemort talks to everyone inside their head

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"I guess this is what's important" Loki clicked a few things on her laptop.

"Battle of Hogwarts?" Harry raised his eyebrow .

"Obviously but it's just a little over a minute," Loki explained.

"That should be lovely," Harry smiled.

"And Interesting," Sirius nodded.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain."

"What does he mean?" Ron looks around.

"I guess he's feeling a little more successful after occupying the Elder Wand," Hermione sighed.

"I bet he's looking for Harry to go and kill," Sirius muttered.

"He can come try to find me," Harry scoffed.

"He will," Lucius says.

"Right..." Harry trailed off.

"I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste."

"But you continue to kill," Neville grumbled.

"He actually doesn't care," Pansy tells him.

"I can clearly tell" Neville rolled his eyes.

"He doesn't consider my blood magical," Hermione adds.

"I know," Blaise nods. "So I guess you're not a waste at least to him."

"That's so rude," Fred says.

"You didn't have to say that to her face" George adds.

"She literally started it" Blaise defended himself.

"I therefore command my forces to retreat."

"To retreat?" Hermione seemed surprised.

"There has to be a twist" Draco says "There always is."

"He's probably just going to attack Potter directly," Narcissa suggests.

"In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

"Dead?" Neville shook.

"Well, there was a fight against death eaters" Sirius sighs "Of course they are dead."

"It better not be important people" Ginny tapped her fingers.

"What's an emotional story without favorites' dying?" Lupin smiled at her.

"Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you."

"The twist" Draco emphasizes.

"Not really a twist, more like there is more coming on" Pansy says.

"He will kill him" Lucius smirks "Lord Voldemort will be victorious."

"Do you seriously believe in a Dark Lord's society that you would survive?" Snape asked him.

"We've seen it all, Lucius" Dumbledore folded his hands "You're not as close to him as you like to present yourself."

"On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself."

"He thinks I want people dying for me?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"He's just trying to make you feel guilty" Lupin turns to him "Anything that the order does, is for the greater good and an end to injustice."

"He's just feeding into your fear. You don't want people dying for you, we've made that very clear" Ginny brings up.

"You even said it, mate," Ron smiled at him. "Back when there were seven Harry Potter's, you didn't want anyone to risk their lives."

"You even attempted to run away cause you felt like a burden" Hermione giggled "Not like you would have survived enough without me."

"There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest, and confront your fate."

"My Fate?" Harry rolls his eyes "He talks like it's in some prophecy."

"The only prophecy known is that Harry will be Voldemort's fate," Dumbledore says.

"SHUSH" Bellatrix yelped.

"She feels disrespected when you mention his name like that" McGonagall warns him.

"I know" Dumbledore smiles "I like addressing him as Tom too."

"If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

"Desperate to get what he wants" Neville comments.

"He's been like that for a while," Luna whispers.

"It's because his father abandoned him," Ron adds.

"This is what happens when you lack a father in the home," Pansy says.

"That's so offensive," Blaise snarled.

"Oh Bl-"

*Clip ends*

"Now, I want to watch more," Harry frowned.

"Depends on how I feel in a few seconds" Loki rubs her eyes. 

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