In Your Eyes Now - Elizabeth Afton

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requested by: Hermione (?)


"Like I said, these upcoming ones are really random," Loki said.

"What's coming up?" Neville asked in curiosity.

"Some song" Loki says "About some character."

"So, storytelling," Hermione concludes.

"How did you get that from that?" Blaise asks.

"Songs all have stories" Hermione replies before Loki clicked play.

"You said power is a weapon, and love is a weakness"

"It is," Bellatrix concurs.

"I could agree on that," McGonagall murmurs.

"Love does drive people Crazy and make them do actions that they wouldn't do"

"I never quite understood the thoughts in your head"

"But you were my father, and I love you still"

"What is this?" Hermione folds her lips.

"Music" Blaise smirks.

"I don't think this is the type of music I would listen to," Pansy says.

"Me either" Blaise responds.

"This is intriguing," Luna smiles.

"Weird," Ron says.

"Even though the things you did would've made me ill"

"If I had known and now I have become your favourite monster"

"That sounds like an unsafe household," Ron mutters.

"I am probably the Dursleys' favourite monster," Harry smirks.

"That's supposed to not be a flex but be you" Sirius pats Harry.

"Voldemort is my favourite," Luna says.

"Oh" Neville says.

"I was not the kind of girl who would've thought of blood"

"I wouldn't have at least 4 years ago..." Ginny paused "Time is too irrelevant for me to be saying that I meant when I was 11..."

"I thought all sorts of things when I was 11" Hermione says.

"Too much for your own good" George adds.

"My father was a killer but I was just a child"

"I think some people could relate to this." Sirius glares up to Lucius.

"Oh please" Lucius rolls his eyes "My father was not a killer."

"Be so for real" Ginny scoffs "He's clearly insinuating that you are the killer,"

"Obsessed" Draco rolls his eyes.

"And it's all for Lord Voldemort..."Lucius trailed off, remembering that Snape was dead and that Voldemort had slapped him.

"La, la, la"

"Oh, I seem to be having problems with my morals"

"I actually don't have that issue" Bellatrix clears her throat "My Morales are very simple and not hypocritical."

"I applaud you for having non-hypocritical Morales," McGonagall slightly claps.

"At least that is one thing I can applaud" Lupin sighs "She sticks with her beliefs."

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