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OML I haven't updated in forever sorry...


Chapter 12

Natsu POV

I watched lucy get hit by a car again. I did nothing to help her. I didn't even bother to call 911. A stranger did that for me. I stood there not knowing what to do. Flare said we should go and i listened. I'm a jerk. I guess Lucy wasn't very important. I say to myself trying to think that what just happened never happened. I feel terrible and who am I kidding I love lucy, she is the most amazing girl I have ever met and I can't lose her again. I went to the hospital to visit. Everything i see is black and white.. with no color whatsoever . I saw levy and Erza them run past me. I guess they found out. I feel weak and that i can't protect anyone. I went to lucys room and got death glares from everyone. Looks like lucy is in another coma. Who knows how long it will take for her to wake up. Who is going to pay for her medical bills?? What if she doesn't wake up?

The doctor came in and said " Her condition is critical and we don't know if she will make it or not. There is nothing we can do."

"Bullshit! There will always be more you people can do it's just that you don't want to do it. You people are supposed to help people and save lives but I wonder how many lives you took!" I yelled

"Natsu calm down!" Erza said

"No! I won't call down unless i know lucy will be okay!"

"Even if we took her into the critical condition part of the hospital nobody is going to pay for her medical bills." The doctor simply said

"Okay all you think about is money. Why all about money when you have the people's love you're saving. But no money is no reason important I suppose." I said

I stormed out of the hospital in search of ways to get money

Lucy POV

My world was pitch black. Then it was a beautiful white and i asked myself am i in heaven? I saw a bright light and i thought it was God or some angel. I was drawn to the light and it made me want to cry and hug it. Then the light multiplied into two lights and then i saw it. It was momma and papa. I was crying I saw them and i tried to get to them but they weren't in my reach. Momma said "Sweetie I'm sorry we don't have much time. I need to make this quick! You have about 24 hours to choose if you want to live in the world anymore. Or else your life will be taken."

Then my dad spoke " As much as I want you to live with us again. I think that you should live the rest of you're life with loved ones that will he there every step of the way. Something that we couldn't do. That we couldn't be there for you when it was hardest. I'm sorry for that but it was fate. " pap said with tears in his eyes

"Papa is right sweetie. You should live your life and them when fate has chosen the day you will come back to us. We will be here waiting."

"Ok I will choose to stay in the world and live my life but can you please help me with my problems?" I asked

"Sorry sweetie there's not enough time for that. You must go!" Momma said

"Goodbye sweetie."

"Goodbye momma, papa."

Then i saw a really bright light and I remebered what just happened and I'm in the hospital. But for how long. It shouldn't have been that long. Right?

The nurse said I was I'm the hospital for 3 months and someone has been paying my bills anonymously. I wonder who did it.

I'm scared to see the world now. To see what has changed. If anyone worried about me. If anyone cares.

Help me!

Doneeee with a new chapter

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