Love Has Many Powers

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Chapter 13

(Natsu POV )

I was going to the hospital to visit Lucy hoping to see she was awake but she wasn't. I was disappointed. I sat beside her and talked to her but then she moved. I was shocked and I couldn't say or do anything but just stare at her. Stare at her beauty, her soft smith skin, her beautiful long blonde hair ughhh Natsu get a hold of yourself you freaking ruined her life.. again you treated her like she meant nothing to you but truly she is everything. Then what snapped out of his thoughts is when lucy opened her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and said "Natsu? "

"The one and only" I said with my signature toothy grin

She giggled

"When did you wake up?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Yesterday." She said simply



"Sorry about... um flare."

"Its ok. We can still be friends." She said simply smiling but inside she felt really hurt

"I don't want to be just friends I want to be you're boyfriend." I said emphasizing on the word boyfriend

"Natsu how can I trust you to be my boyfriend if all you do is leave me?" She asked coldly

I didn't know how to respond.

She sighed and stared out the window.

"Natsu I know you like me and all but you have to accept that I'm not the carefree, easy-going girl you knew when you were 11. I'm not just going to follow your every word. I'm independent and I have been for the last 17 years of my life. I missed about a fourth of my life because of you and i dont want it to end here. I almost died again. Because of you. I can't do this anymore. I thinks it's best if you leave." Lucy said sadly

I was hurt but I knew she was right. She needed time alone but I didnt want that i want to be with her every step of the way.
And I said


"Excuse me? No?"

"Yep you heard me no. I'm not leaving you alone I am going to help guide through this." I said triumphantly

"Natsu how are you going to help me if you don't know what I'm going threw."

I said simply " Love has many powers. If the love is true. It can cross the earth. Withstand a storm. And conquer death."

"How can love conquer dwath ?" She asked

" Death can stop her heart from heating but not from loving. Not if love is what you choose. Lucy you have many people that love you. Levy,Mira ,Juvia, Erza, Gray, Lis, and so much more and more importantly me. You have your parents up above also." I winked

Lucy giggled " Natsu that was sweet and wise. Didn't know you had it in you."

"Am i forgiven? Will you love me?"

"I never stopped." She smiled

I kissed her

She kissed back

It was magical

Love has many powers♡

I'm thinking of updating everyday haha well one at a time like my other one will update tmr but then I can't update on weekends so the next chapter for this fanfiction should be coming next Monday!

Bye loves

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