Doing the Project Nalu

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Hi its nicole and sorry for not posting i got lazy LOOL

Chapter 10

Natsu POV

"Today is the day im going to ask Lucy Heartfilia to be my girlfriend." I stated proudly

I walked to school looking for Lucy but I couldnt find her I was soo frustrated ok
"Natsu get you're shit together" I mentally slapped myself

Lucy POV

I was in the library with levy-chan and she was talking about how Gajeel asked her to be his wife or something but all I was thinking about was natsu.....

"Lu-chan... Lu-chan .....LUUUUUU-CHHAANNNNN" someone screaming at me ruining my daydream

Then I realized was it was levy XD

"Nani?" I asked casually

"Ummmm you have been daydreaming for the past minute... are you ok?" Levy-chan asked concerned

"I'm fineee." I reassured her

Then someone covered my eyes and I jumped a little until this person said
" Guess who" and I instantly knew it was the pink haired idiot

"Natsu." I said

"How did you know?" Natsu said uncovering his fingers from my face

"Just a guesss."

I could hear levy squealing and then she said that she was going to go meet gajeel and she winked and dashed out.



"I have a question...."


"D-o y-ou want to g-o on a d-d-ate with m-e??"

I was shocked I stood their dumbfounded


Natsu smiled widely

I giggled

He said to wear something formal.

I nodded and left.

Natsu POV

I have to call wendy that I cant pick her so I dailed her number

*whatever sounds phones make sjfbafofknwjf*
"Wendy I cant pick you up today I have a date with lucy"
"Can I hang out with romeo?"
"Sure whatever just tell mom"

Ok now to go find that tux I had

---1 hour time skip

Still natsu pov

I was at lucys house or apartment I should say and I pushed the doorbell


Lucy opened the door revealing her in a black long dress that matched her curves and went all the way down to her ankle.. she was the most gorgeous thing in the world.

Lucy POV

"Shall we?" He asked

"We shall"

He opened the door for me and acted like a gentlemen this was weird.....

"You look beautiful."

I blushed

"You don't look to bad yourself.",

"So where are we going?"

"Its a secret."

Timskip to the restaurant

I saw that we were at a restaurant called Fairy Tail like our school... thats weird

We got seated and the menu look hella expensive.

"Natsu isnt this a little expensive?"

"Dont worry."

The waiter came and I ordered a salad while the dense idiot ordered a 18 ounce steak. We drank some wine and then our food came.

Timeskip  after dinner

We drank a lot of wine and beer and I feel pretty drunk.

Natsu POV

I watched lucy and she was DRUNK....

Im scared ....she said she wanted to see my place so I took her. We got there annd luckily nobody was home. We went to my room and lucy was calm and not drunk anymore.(dirty minded ppl be like) Lucy wandered to the backyard and looked at the stars. She started talking about the constellations and her eyes sparkled like the stars. I was head over heels in love with her. Lucy looked at me and I grinned and so did she....

I started leaning in and so did she then our lip touched her soft smooth lips touching my rough dry lips. I felt like I was in heaven. It pushed my toung against her lip signaling that I want to go in. She opened her mouth a little and my toung explored. Then we broke the kiss. I leaned my head against hers and I said

"I love you lucy heartfilia"

I finally got this chapter up like omg im so damn lazy... time to go to starry skies and update ..... or naww idk

Comment and vote plzzzz I appreciae it byeeee

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