The Battle Has Begun

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I'm soooooo sorry I have not updated in like 3 months I was busy with school and like just stuff XD
I'm going to highschool next year and I need to turn in all my forms and take tests and it's just a pain :/
I'm writing a chapter and idek it might be boring it might be good who knows

Natsu POV

After our signal was made all of Fairy Tail came rushing in and we charged together. Soldiers came rushing towards us and we fought them off until 5 mages approached us and we felt a new sense of magic wash over the room.

The aura of the mages were strong "We are the most powerful mages of this guild and maybe of all Fiore. Nobody has beat us and I don't think Fairy Tail will be the first." The middle man with black hair,black eyes,basically black everything and was probably the leader spoke irritating me " My name is Rah, and my magic is sky and sun god slayer but ..... if the sun is out my powers become filled with a burning sensation that will basically feel like you're burning alive." He smirked but Fairy Tail only looked at them with hatred in their eyes.
The next mage was a light blue,silver haired mage with one eye aqua and the other silver. It was ugly to be honest I thought in my head. "My name is Alora and my magic is water dragon slayer magic. I don't need to explain because you clearly have dragon slayers here." She finished but she didn't feel like a regular dragon slayer.

The third member was a man or you can't even say he's a man because his body imitates a lion but in a humanized form. (Basically like Jackel from the Tartorus arc) "My name is Calibur and I have a curse magic. I won't go into detail but this is no ordinary magic." He said smirking, I didn't like it.

The fourth member was also a man and he had green hair and brown eyes. "I am Raidon and I have earth magic. This magic controls the dirt and basically all things nature.

The last member was another woman but something was off with her. I did not feel a sense of hatred in her but fear in her eyes. She had salmon hair like mine. Onyx eyes like mine. She looked just like me. "My name is Fei and I am a fire dragon slayer...." She couldn't be... could she ?


Lucy POV

I awoke in a bright room with many windows but no doors. I looked around but couldn't move because my hands and feet were tied together. Then someone emerged from a dark spot of the room and I saw a man with long black hair with a long cloak. He held a book entitled END. I did nit understand that title as a fellow writer but it sounded intriguing. The man started to speak "You have finally awaken, Lucy Heartfilia."

"What do you want with me!" I growled

"Your magic." He said bluntly "In the past you had an ancestor named Anna Heartfilia, she was the strongest celestial mage in the entire world. But after she died in battle her keys were given to her granddaughter Layla Heartfilia, your mother. She then succeeded in doing what Anna had done but it had costed her life because she was not as strong. But your mother lived long enough to give birth to you but had died once you turned 7 years old. Her keys had been passed on to you. And now it will soon be your turn to open the close the gate so all dragons will be disappeared from this world even dragon slayers." He smirked my eyes widened at the thought of Natsu not being with me.


"That is the exact answer we knew you would say so we were going to take your powers aways from you." He smiled creepily

My eyes widened in fear, hate, and sadness.


Normal POV

Fairy Tail did not back down. But Natsu was still in shock he thinks Fei might be his mother ..... but it can't be he disagreed with himself. He decided to nit focus on that and just focus on saving his Lucy.

Natsu just wanted to charge and find Lucy but he knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"Can you all hear me?" Fairy Tail heard a voice and instantly knew it was first master

"Yes." Everyone replied

"Good. I want Erza and Jellal to battle Raidon. Juvia and Gray to battle Alora. Levy and Gajeel to battle Calibur. Cana and Wendy to battle Fei. I want Laxus and Mira to battle Rah. Lastly, Natsu will sneak out of battle and find Lucy. " Mavis said

"Got it !" We said with determination

"Oh and Natsu there is is a powerful mage guarding Lucy so be careful."

"Don't need to tell me twice!" I smirked

The battle had begun!

Fairy Tail knew they were up against a tough opponent but to save their light of the guild, they will win.


I finished a chapter stay tuned fir the next chapter XD

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