Doing The Project Miraxus

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Chapter 9

Mira POV

I was at school thinking and waiting for my "partner" to show up but laxus never showed up I was getting annoyed and got up and was going to leave when the door  slammed open. It didnt faze me since i am know as "The Demon" to some people but to others im just a nice and girl. I sighed and walked past him about to leave but then he grabbed my wrist and said
"Where you going?"

I stood there dumbfounded if he actually just asked that. It was 5:00 and he made me wait for 2 damn hours.
"Im leaving if you havent noticed" i hissed

Laxus POV

------Flashback -----------
(Before what just happened with him and mira btw)

I was at my house and I was trying to get reservations for one of the MOST fanciest restaurants in town for me and mira. I finally got the reservations for 7:00 and saw that it was 5:00 already


I ran to school and.....
----------End of flashback------------

Still Laxus POV

I ran to catch mira and looked at the clock it was 5:15.
"Mira!!!!!!" I yelled

She looked back and said
"What?!" Sounding really annoyed
"I got us reservations to Angels and Demons." I said

And she stood there wided eyes
" Are we going together?" She asked still dumbfounded
"Yep" i smirked

Then i heard a loud squeaaalllllllll
"When is the reservation?" She asked
"7:00" i replied

She ran off saying "pick me up in 40 minutes"

I looked at my watch and it was 5:30

I went home got myself dressed up and it was 6:00

Mira POV

I ran home excited and took out a nice and new black tight dress that i just bought just in case for emergencies and this was a total emergency.... I mean laxus was the one who taught me how to be a "demon"

I put on the dress, light makeup, some nice black heels, and a small purse and it was 6:00

Laxus came and we drove to the restaurant . We got seated and the waiter gave us some nice champagne and it was like heaven.

The waiter came back asking what we wanted to eat and we chose chefs choice just to make it simple. I think i was blushing the whole entire time... i was so nervous.

Laxus then started clanging his spoon against the champagne cup and got everybody in the whole restaurants attention.  He stood on a chair and said

Laxus POV

Im going to say it ive been holding my feelings in for way too long i need to say it

So i did
"Can i get everybody's attention please. I wanted to say that mira i know im a total douche to you all the time and i hide my feelings but thats going to change.  When happy sensei pair us up for this project i knew you didnt want to be my partner but i was so happy. Mira i dont know how to say this but i think i love you and im crazy about you. I know i dont deserve you but please will you take this promise ring to remeber me by?"

I heard awwwwws and so many other thing s then people started clapping but stopped when mira got out of her chair. Everyone was silent and i was ready for rejection when mira

Mira POV

I took the ring and kissed him square on the lips.
"Idiot. Of course ill take the ring and i love you too" i whispered

He blushed like a tomato and we deepened the kiss and remembered people were staring and pulled away embarrassed.
"Ummm you can go back to your dinner sorry for the interruption" we blushed

They clapped and went back to their dinner.
"So are we a couple now?" I asked
"Is this an answer?" He said and kissed my on the lips and i stiffened but melted into the kiss.
This was the best day of my life I said in my head

Gale ✔

Gruvia ✔

Jerza ✔

Miraxus ✔


Disclaimer I dont own fairy tail hiro mashima doess




I hope you liked this chapppyy


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