King? Queen?

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I'm writing another chappie yayayaya!!!!

This chappie is in Juvia and Gray perspective !!



Chapter 23

(Juvia POV)

Gray sama asked Juvia to dance and Juvia was soooo happy and excited !!! Juvia thought Gray sama thinks Juvia is annoying for being Juvia's self. Juvia leaned Juvia's head on Gray sama shoulder and Juvia just closed her eyes and relaxed. After the song was over Gray sama and Juvia went to go sit down and talk and stuff like that.


Once the clock hit midnight Principle Makarov San went on stage and got everyones attention. Juvia looked around and saw none of her friends. Except Gray sama of course.

"I would like to announce this year's prom court !!" He exclaimed

Everyone cheered but silenced when Makarov San took out the envolope with "Prom Court" on it

"I wish Juvia and Gray sama would win......" Juvia mumbled to herself

"And the Prom King is........" Makarov stopped

Everyone waited for him to finish his sentence but he took about 5 minutes to read the name. Guys started to yell and get impatient while girls just giggled well most of them....

"The prom king is .... GRAY FULLBUSTER !!!!" Makarov San announced

The crowd went wild. Literally .... Gray sama sat dumbfounded and then Juvia gave him a small push.

"Go Gray sama your crown awaits." I smiled

"It won't be fun if you are no my queen my lovely." Gray sama smirked

Juvia blushed "Juvia probably won't be your queen but wishes to be."

And with that Gray sama went to claim his crown.

"Now which one of these lucky girls will be the one to be Gray Fullbusters queen ?" Makarov joked

Even though it was a joke most of the girls screamed. It left Juvia very uncomfortable because there are other girls who love Gray sama like me....

"The prom queen is..... ( ya'll probably know who it is...) Lucy Heartfilia !!!! "(Tricked ya ;)) Makarov San said

Juvia was sad but knew Lucy was wayyyy more popular than Juvia. Juvia began to slouch and sigh. Juvia guesses someone brought Lucy inside because she was shocked she was Prom Queen and all but looked like she didn't want it. Lucy then went to me and dragged me on stage with her.

"I Lucy Heartfilia resign my position as Prom Queen and offer it to one of my best friends Juvia Lockser. " Lucy stated

Juvia was shocked at how bold a move Lucy just did. Can she even do that ?

"Juvia Lockser. Do you accept my request?" Lucy smiled

"But Juvia isn't fit to be Prom Queen and Juvia is sure that many other girls want to be Prom Queen also." Juvia protested

"Ok who wants Juvia to be Prom Queen. Raise your hand. " Lucy said

And with that my eyes widened at how many hands had shot up

"Juvia chan is meant to be with Gray!" Someone yelled

"I second that!!" Another yelled

Then it just kept going on and on. Juvia was soo happy and was tearing up.

"See Juvia look people want you to he our Queen. So do you accept? "Lucy asked again

"I would be honored." Juvia said

Lucy then put the crown on Juvia's head and Juvia curtsied and the crowd went wild.

"Now make some room for the Queen and Kings slow dance." Makarov said

Gray sama grabbed my hand and we walked to the dance floor. We danced and I felt like a real Queen dancing with the one Juvia truly loves. Juvia was happy.

(Gray POV)

Juvia looked amazing when she was dancing. I should make her my one and only. My muse. No my Queen. I thought. Many people were watching us and I smirked because of all the people we left in awe. After the dance had finished i was sad but then an idea popped in my head. I soon ran onto the stage and got everyones attention.

"Everyone please listen to what I have to say especially you Juvia Lockser." I started

"I just wanted to say that guys Juvia Lockser is mine. So nobody ever make a move on her. And girls I just wanted to tell you give up on me because I'm Juvia's . I am crazy about Juvia and Juvia all those times I ignored you and said mean things to turn I'm sorry. I feel terrible looking back at how mean I was but now I'm going to clean up my act. Juvia Lockser would you do me the honor of being my one and only? Because Juvia I love you so much." I stated

I looked at Juvia and she was in tears. OH MY GOD DID I SAY SOMETHING MEAN AGAIN UGHHH STUPID ME STUPID ME!!!!

But when Juvia wiped her tears away and said "I would he honored to Gray sama." I freaking jumped up and down and ran off the stage. I hugged Juvia tghtly and kissed her forehead.

"I love you my queen."

"I love you my king."

We said together


Well that's all for today !!!

Hopefully you enjoyed it and stuff XD

I'm trying to make these interesting but I don't know much about prom lmfao.


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