Twin Demons!

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Miraxus chapter for you all

Enjoy loves!


Chapter 16

(Mira POV)

Me and Laxus went on a movie date. We went to watch Cinderella. It was a very nice and mellow movie. It had many plot twists that even made Laxus sit on the edge of his seat. I giggled at him multiple times throughout the movie. He seemed to notice and sat back down and I could see a hint of red on his cheeks meaning he was blushing. During the romantic and sad parts Laxus held my hand and I thought that was a very sweet gesture so I leaned my head on his shoulder to make the mood more romantic. Luckily, since the movie has been out for a while we were the only ones there. Legitally, nobody like a ghost town. Which of course made it more romantic and cute. Since nobody was there and nobody to bother I took out my phone to snapchat the movie and my date with my baby. Then the movie instantly stopped. Laxus just stared at me. Then guards came and Laxus and I got into a fighting stance.

"People are forbidden to use phones during movies. Please come with me young lady." He said agitated

"She will not go with you." Laxus yelled

"Oh but she will." The guard said mischievously

"Get away from me you creep. I believe you don't know who we are!" I said emphasizing on the we

"Then who are you?" He said emphasizing the who

"We are the Twin Demons!" I stated

"You aren't even twins. I can't comprehend." He said

"I believe you have heard a pair of a blonde boy and silver haired girl elementary/middle school kids vandalize, steal, etc throughout the city?" Laxus stated proudly

"Don't tell those kids are you.....?" The guard said trembling

I nodded he trembled, I smirked he trembled more. The a man came in, I think he was the manager because he asked the guard why he was just standing there and not taking us away. The guard whispered our little secret and then the manager widened his eyes and stared at us directly. Me and Laxus smirked smugly. The manager passed out and the guard gave us free passes and took the manager and himself out trembling.

(Laxus POV)

I smirked knowing the word will spread the the Twin Demons are back in action but not as elementary crushes, NO. But as the power couple of the century. I thought smugly

"We did great, I knew we were still the Twin Demons. " Mira giggled

"Turn the movie back on!" I yelled

Mira and I sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the movie. I handed Mira her phone and we took snapchats and instagram pictures showing that the Twin Demons are back and people shall fear us. We laughed as our friends commented and snapchatted back. After the movie finished it was late and Mira invited me to stay over since both Lisanna and Elfman stayed at there boyfriend and girlfriend's house. Mira made pasta and I sat on the couch watching this weird movie, I didn't understand at all and thought it was stupid but continued to watch because this elephant was funny. Mira gave me a portion of the pasta and we watched the movie together. Mira said the movie was called Horton Hears the Who? It seems really old. After the movie finished i was about to stretch but i felt a small head fall onto my shoulder. I chuckled and carried her into the bedroom. I snuggled her head into my chest and then i drifted off to sleep.

"Good night Mira."

I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. I have a musical I've been working on at school and my teacher is just ughh. Hopefully I can get another chapter in tomorrow night because I don't feel like updating Starry Skies at the moment. Next chapter should be a Gruvia chapter. Then Nalu!

Bye Loves

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