"what..happened?" 💙

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This takes place when Jake was coming back from being undercover.

Terry POV

When we had heard the signal, dry meatballs. I had ran in, I saw jake. It had been so long, he turned around and..his face. Pinkish red scar covering his right eye..his right eye was white. I was petrified, what had happened?

Holt POV

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME YOU PEICE OF SH-. Heyy captain holt!". Same cheerful personality, I had stopped to just..stare. his face. What happened? "I- uh..". I tried to speak but all that came out was nothing. "Oh! Right! This?" He points to his eye. "Its nothin'! Dont worry about it". He said with a smile. "Jacob, what happened?". His face seemed to lose its color. "Li-like I said," he swallowed. "Nothing, so how are you?" Jake said bringing me in for a hug.

2 months later (this is in interrogation with jake peralta and freddy, YES IK IT DIDNT HAPPEN >:/ )

"I cant believe I trusted you..AFTER EVERYTHING WE WENT THROUGH." Freddy screamed, stalling his cuffed hands on the table. "That's enough, freddy. Listen, you were drunk. You said some stuff and..well yeah. This isnt about me and you. This is about you and what you told me. Plus you're in the mafia. Everyone in the mafia has done something illegal.". "That scar..on your face.." Jake's face went white and he zoned out, looking angry. "Shut up crapbag.". "That incident traumatized you. Who was there when you were screaming in your sleep? Or when you broke down in that bathroo-". "I said shut the HELL UP!". "I'm done. I'm going to get someone else to do this.." he mumbled to himself before storming out. "Jake what happened in there? I heard yell-" Amy tried asking jake. He just walked past her. "Diaz, you're tough right? Can you do this, for me. Please." Jake said, putting the case file down on Rosa's desk. "Uh, jake are you okay?" She questioned, picking up the file. "Yeah I'm good. Dont worry." Jake said while walking to the roof.

Dadptai- I mean Holts POV

I saw Peralta walk out onto the roof, I followed him. I opened the door to see his head in this hands, sitting down. "Peralta, what's wrong? I've never seen you like this." I said, approaching him. "I-i..I need to apologize to Amy. I was rude. I can't- I can't do this i.." He trailed off. "Jacob, what happened when you were undercover?".I wasnt expecting him to talk but then he started. "I was working a job with this guy named Derek, we had to deliver some cocaine to some other guy, the guy wasnt happy with his shipment and snapped. I dont know what he had on him, but it was some sort of acid. Me or derek expected it. Obviously. Derek he..uh. didnt make it, I barely survived. My body is covered with scars from that incident. I just..cant get the picture out of my mind when Derek's body was just..torn.". I just listened quietly. "I'm a detective, I see bodies on the daily. But, this guy. He was..I dont even want to get into it.". I saw tears in his eyes. I just hugged him. He was like a son to me and now, he was at his lowest point...

AN: look I'm sorry for the depressing ending but do you guys want a part 2 or no? ALSO WELCOME TO MY FIRST ONESHOT BOOK. It's all about jake peralta, also some peraltiago all that jazz. Enjoy!

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