Sensory Overload (Misophonia) 💙💛

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Jake has misophonia, but doesn't tell anyone until it is spilled late night at the bar. Gina comes to help.

Misophonia is a condition in which individuals experience intense anger and disgust when they are confronted with sounds made by other human beings1. In particular, sounds like chewing, lip smacking or breathing may cause intense anger.\

No one's POV

It was a late night at shaws bar, the whole gang was there. Celebrating another cold case that Terry and Jake solved. Jake was sitting silently when the tapping of amy's drink was starting to get irritating. "Hey Amy, this might sound a little weird but can you please stop tapping on your beer with your nails." Jake asked politely. "Why? I'm just fidgeting." Amy replied. "I know but it's really starting to get on my nerves" Jake said back with hints of annoyance in his voice. "Just sit somewhere else if you don't like it." She retorted. Jake got up and walked over to another table and sat down with Terry and Charles. "Hey Jakey! congrats on the case!" Charles said enthusiaticlly. "Hey guys," Jake noticed that Terry was humming and he couldn't take it. Before he snapped he said quickly, "So hey I have to go now, just wanted to say bye  and see you on Monday." Jake said and walked away, not waiting for an answer, leaving his friends with a puzzled look on their faces. "Ah Peralta, congrats on the case!" Holt said. "Thanks I got to go bye see you monday." Jacob said quickly and walked out leaving more confused faces around. 


"FUCK!" He yelled, kicking the walls. He put his hands over his ears to try and get them to shut up, he got onto his knees anger quickly turning into frustration tears. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door and a "Heeyyy Jakeee" from Gina. She knew exactly what was happening immediatly, she knew because it happened a lot when they were kids. Gina ran over to him and bent down, "Jake, you need to calm down. I can see you already were getting pissed," gesturing to the foot marks on the wall. "I can't fucking take it. I can't its all to much." He muttered. "The lights are buzzing, I need to turn them off." He said starting to stand. "No, Jake I got it I'll turn them off." Gina said, quickly standing up and going to shut the lights off. All of the racing emotions had tired Jake out, "I'm tired." He said quietly. "Is this okay now? I know the overload is hard but I just need to know you're okay Jacob." Gina said with concern lacing her voice. "Yeah yeah I'll be fine. It's just never been that bad before..what if it happens again and i hurt someone?" He said shamefully. "Jake, I know you care about people to not let this control you. We need to figure out how you're going to control it and manage it," Gina paused. "Tomorrow. Tonight lets just get on the couch and watch die hard." She said with a comforting smile on her face. "Yeah, okay." Jake said, smiling and walking over to the couch. "Thank you, Gina. I really appreciate it. I'm not sure what I would do without you." Jake said. "Yeah, it would be like me in a world without Beyonce. That would be terrible." She said smirking and getting a drink. Jake chuckled and an hour later, Jake was passed out with Gina sleeping on his shoulder (PLATONIC SIBLING LOVE).

AN: Hello my lovelies! This is the end of my chapter and I just wanted to thank you guys for all the views and votes! To be honest, I started this as a oneshot book for myself to read, I was never going to post it but I think my finger slipped and I pressed publish and now it's at 41 views in only a couple of days! That honestly amazing and I appreciate every one of you that voted for my story or just read a chapter. Thank you! ♡♡ have a great night/day and I night post more tonight I'm not 100% sure yet. SEE YALL LATERR

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