YOU DID WHAT. (humor angst? something? idfk)

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a tired overworked Jake gets pissed and scares the fuck out of a perp. 

Jake POV

I was starting to get mad, he just kept denying EVERYTHING. "Listen, we saw you near the bodega before and after the robbery, you have no liable alibi and one of your friends ratted you out. He's on witness protection so we can't tell you who but he described the whole event in detail. we know it was you so why even bother denying?" I said trying to stay calm. "No, I didn't. You're wrong," he said with a smirk, trying to get me angry. It worked. 

Raymond POV 

I heard yelling from interrogation room C, what was it? I head over there to hear.. Jake? 

"LISTEN YOU PEICE OF FUCKING SHIT, WE ALL KNOW YOU FUCKING DID IT," "But i-". "I SAID LISTEN FOR FUCKS SAKE. WE HAVE ALL THE FUCKING PROOF WE NEED. SHUT THE FUCK UP." Jake was yelling at him, the perp looking petrified. The perp went in for a sentance but was quickly cut off by Jacob. "Don't you even fucking try. listen up. I'm way to goddamn tired and overworked to be listening to this bullshit. Just make this easier for the both of us and sign. the. paper." Peralta said with a death stare. "O-ok, you got it ju-just chill." the perp said trying not to make eye contact. He left the room with the fully signed confession. I was standing outside, shocked. "Oh hey captain! I just got a fully signed confession, if all it took was for me to yell maybe I should just start getting more pissed in interrogations." He said with a laugh. "Are you okay Peralta?" I questioned with a confused look. "Haha nope! Alrighty see ya later cap'n!" He said, walking off. I walked inside the interrogation room to hear "That fucking NUTS." The perp said. "Oh shut it." I replied shutting the door and going back to my office. I just saw him silently working like nothing had happened. 

AN: HELLLLOOOOO, so I just started school today and sorry I got this out late. Hope you guys enjoyed!! ALSO WHAT 22 VIEWS AND 5 VOTES??? THANK YOU SO MUCH <3333 THANK YOUUU!! Also my requests are open so feel free to ask for a prompt for me to write! Have a great day :D

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