3 times Jake realized he didn't have a dad

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And the 1 time he did. 

1: Tying ties

"Jake! C'mon we're going to be late!" Amy yelled up to him. "Hold on!" He yelled back. Jake and Amy were going to a couples dance and he was struggling to tie his tie (is that the right grammar?). Jake was beginning to get frustrated and threw the tie to the ground. "Shit." he mumbled to himself. Amy opened their bedroom door. "Jake! what is takin-" she paused. "Oh" was all she could say. "I can't figure this damn thing out! Why couldn't he jus- nevermind." he cut himself off. "It's okay Jacob, I'll help." Amy said picking up the tie, pulling it around his neck. "Thank you, Ames." He said with a sad smile.

2: Shaving

"WHY IS THIS SO HARD!?" Jake yelled to himself in the bathroom. No one was home to hear his frustrated yells. "I'm so done with this stupid freakin shaving thing.", he was about to try again when he realized something dripping from his face. Blood. "Shit!" He yelled. He grabbed a crap ton of paper towel and dabbing it all over his face. Once Jake had cleaned himself up, he kicked the door in anger. "WHY DID HE HAVE TO LEAVE?!" he yelled to no one in particular. Amy happened to come home at that exact moment. "Hey, hey, calm down tell me what happened." Amy said soothingly. "It's just, why did he have to leave? I can't do anything right without him, he never taught me anything useful." Jake said, tears streaming down his face.  "Babe, you don't need him. Things like this take time and practice. I'll help you ok?" She said. 

3: Baseball

"We are going to be doing a team building exercise this weekend. We will be playing baseball" Captain Holt announced to the squad.


"Gina! what am I supposed to do? I can't play baseball!" Jake complained to his best friend. "Jake you need to breathe, you'll be fine. Baseball isn't hard." she said calmly. Jake stopped pacing around the room. "We're going to be late, lets get going" Gina said, grabbing her bat. "Alright." He said before putting on his shoes and they left. 


Jake lined up to bat, Terry pitched the ball and he gave it his all and the ball went flying. Jake was so shocked he forgot to run. Eventually he sprinted down to first base, second base, third, then he reached home. He came to the realization that he didn't need his father to be good at anything. 


One time Jake realized he had a family that could help him through anything. His mother was in a terrible car accident and got the call at work. He suddenly stood up and ran out the door to go to the hospital. He heard the yells of his friends calling after him but he ignored them. He was only fixated of his mother. 20-30 minutes later, he got a call from Holt. "Peralta! where are you? Get back to work now!" he yelled into the phone. "My mom is dead." he said quietly. He paused before speaking again. "I got the call about an hour ago." he deadpanned. "Jake.." Holt said, calming down. "Which hospital?" Holt asked. Another hour passes by, Jake was zoning out feeling numb. Suddenly the whole squad walks in searching the room with their eyes for their coworker. They found him and just hugged him. "I'm so sorry." Terry said. All Jake could say was "why aren't I crying? What's wrong with me?". "It's a normal reaction Jake. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay.". Jake realized this was his family, and no one could ever replace them. 


hey guys, i am going through a shit ton of stuff. my father went to get milk (should I be making jokes?) anyways i'm going through a rough patch and im not sure if im going to contnue this fic. I had just seen the story hit 2k viewers and I just had to update. I am truly sorry. Thank you so much <3

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