Dyslexic and needing glasses.💛

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Holt observing his son- ahem- detective being dyslexic and needing glasses. Should I add a tag for dad holt?

Holt POV
I stand up in the frame of my office door to observe my detectives, I glance over to Peralta to see him squinting at a file. I dont think anything of it so I head back into my office.

No one's POV
"Jake, you have been squinting at that file for 5 minutes. Are you blind?" Amy asked. "Yeah, I forgot my glasses plus I'm dyslexic. Could you read it?" Jake asked back. "Yeah sure" She said, grabbing the file. "The perp was about 6'2, curly black hair and skinny. He grabbed my purse and took off." She said. "Thanks."

Holt POV

"UGH." I heard a frustrated groan coming from the briefing room. "Peralta? What's the matter?" I asked. "Its this stupid file! I'm trying to set up a board connecting murders and robberies coming from bodega's but I cant read!" He replied, clearly angry. "I hate this stupid neurological disorder. I hate it. Like I'm trying to read this sentence that says clearly something different than 'The prop locked box ragekadhda. Hdajftersda.'. Could you help?". I let him rant for a second. "I always found squinting helped, sometimes if the words are blurry. But if they're jumbled I try to decode them, if I can." I said, attempting to give advice. "Oh are you dyslexic to?" He questioned. "No but Kevin is. He's always complaining about it like you just did. I'll help" I replied, with a slight smile. "Oh my god! Captain did you just smile?!" He said all excited. "Maybe..whatever. Do you want my help?" I replied. "Okay okay my bad." He said, apologizing.

AN: I love this scenario so much. Dyslexic Jake. I apologize if this was inaccurate. I'm not dyslexic so I'm sorry if I offended anybody. If you are offended please tell me I don't want to be rude. Hope y'all enjoyed! I probably will upload more chapters tonight :D

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