Get the fuck out. NOW. 💙💚

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Jake's dad is being a bitch to Jake at a bar and holt defends him.
Content warning: lots of swearing and maybe some mentions of neglect/abuse. Use if the f slur (I'm gay just so yall know. I dont use it but just sprinkled it in there.)

Jake's POV
"You know what Jake? You never stop complaining. Why dont you just shut the fuck up, I am always glad I left so i wouldn't have to deal with your mother trying to take my beer away and you being a bitch." Roger slurred, clearly drunk. "Dad would you keep it down. Listen i-im sorry. I never meant to upset you. I'll stop being annoying I swear I'll never talk to you again if that's what you need." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "Yeah that's what I fucking need. Get outta my life Jacob you fucker. No one loves you. I would hit you but I dont want to go to jail.". The tears began to pour. I attempted to sob quietly but someone heard..."Jacob? Is everything alright?". No no not holt, no please. "Oh and you, stay the fuck away from my son you fucker. He fucking worships like you're some big fucking hero." Roger said to Raymond. "Dad..please, stop." I said, tears pouring out my eyes. I put my head down on the bar. "Stop crying you whiny bitch." He says to me. "Im Sorry Roger.." is all I could mutter out. "Don't you ever talk to my detective like that do you GODDAMN understand? Get out. NOW." I heard captain yell. "Alright chill f*ggot." Roger said getting up and walking towards the door. I felt an anger surge through my veins. I stood up and socked him in the jaw and shoved him over. "You can talk to me like you just did but dont you ever fucking say that again. Dont tal to my fucking captain like that. EVER. Is that clear?". The captain could clearly tell I wanted to snap his neck. "Peralta just calm down. This is not the place nor time." He said laying a hand on my shoulder. Roger scrambled out of the bar and I just broke down. Holt pulled me in for a hug as a cried. "Why doesnt he love me?.. I tried I tried my best to make him proud.." i muttered. "I know I know, it's all going to be okay Jake. It's going to be okay." He patted me on the back..

Holt POV
I had never had someone defend me was nice. He began sobbing and muttering to himself. I just hugged him. I felt so bad. He kept rambling and apologizing for his father. "Jake, it's not your fault. Ever. He is not your father. No father should ever treat his son like that." I said reassuringly. "I want to forget, everything. I-i need a drink." He said to himself before pulling himself out of the hug and going to get a beer. "Its my weekend off. Let's get hammered."  I said, clinking a shot glass against his.

I feel after that day we bonded as father and son.

AN: Hey guys! I know I said I'll go to bed but I cant sleep #insomnia. I just wanted to explain a bit further on why I added the f slur. I'm gay, I'm attracted to men, I personally dont think anybody should say slurs bit I just want you guys to understand that I added that for effect not because I'm homophobic. Yeah, ANYWAYS MY LONGEST ONESHOT! HOPE YALL ENJOYED!

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