Pimento X Reader (Request)

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Your POV
I miss him. I miss his smile, his laugh, and his curly hair. I miss everything about him. I'm not even sure he'll come back.

God, I've been so anxious over these last few months. I just want Adrian back. I was going over to an Ice cream parlour, I just wanted to drown my thoughts in ice cream, who wouldn't?

-Itty bitty time skip-

I purchased a two-scoop, cone, chocolate chip mint ice cream. I was about halfway through it when I received a notification. It was from an unknown number. It read

"Y/N, it's me. Adrian. I've missed you so much. Meet me at the bar 7pm tomorrow.'

I was most definetly skeptical, but my heart was just screaming at the chance to see him again. I finish my ice-cream with severely conflicting thoughts. I eventually made up my mind to do it. 


I woke up with my hair a mess, then the memories came back up. I checked my phone and saw the message. Thank fuck I wasn't dreaming. I called in ill to work and just let the day pass by. I distracted myself by showering, listening to music, watching TV or just sleeping. I had dozed off while The Walking Dead played in the backround, don't ask me how I fell asleep with the noise of literal zombies screeching because I can't answer. I woke up with a jolt to the sound of the stupid alarm I had set.

It was 6:45. I panicked and quickly sat up, running to look into my bathroom mirror to see if I looked somewhat presentable. I decided it was good enough and put on my shoes and practically ran to my car. The time was now 6:48 and the ride to the bar took about 10 minutes. I stepped on the gas and was there at the tail end of 6 o'clock. At this point I was crying, just the thought of seeing Adrian made me so happy. The tears came from doubt that he was actually texting me. I ran into the bar, frantically looking around until I saw him.

That curly hair, a drink in his hand. I couldn't help it. I yelled out his name and ran my way over to him. He turned around and stood up. Tears were streaming down my face and onto the ground. I enveloped him in a hug as a sobbed quietly into his shoulder. After about 10 seconds I pulled back. 

His eyes met mine. 

His eyes looked different, a dark glaze over them. My smile then dropped realizing what he probably went through. We stood in silence, not awkward silence, bug just silence. Tears were basically pouring from my eyes and he took my hands and said. "Don't cry, I'm here. And I'm never going anywhere again.". 

I then realized this is the man I love. 

A/N: jello, so sorry for the time it took to post this, depression hit me hard and I laid on the floor for awhile soo. ALSO IM SUPER EXCITED FOR THE JOHN WICK 4 MOVIE ARE YALL GONNA WATCH IT ?!

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