he's out. (Part 2 AND LONG AWAITED SORRY) 💚💙

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Jake goes to check the computer for any messages. Just one email.

"Jacob Peralta. You're going to die.

"Hey Ames.." Jake said quietly. "Yeah? What's up?".

"We need to leave."


"Jake what do you mean we need to leave?" Amy asked, worry being apparent in her voice. Jake didn't say anything, he just pointed at the screen. "Oh shit.." Amy said. "Okay, okay, call Holt now. We need that safe house NOW." Amy demanded, pacing around. Jake was frozen for a second filled with fear, not for himself but for everyone else. He got up and dialed Holt. 

"Okay, Jacob you need to stay calm."

"I am." He replied with no emotion whatsoever. 

"Jacob I just sent you the address to the safe house, go now and you can get there by noon." Holt said. 

Jake agreed and hung up the phone before Holt could ask anything else. He grabbed his half-packed suitcase, Amy was waiting outside but before he left, he grabbed an extra gun he kept under the bed. He was planning to kill this mother-fucker. As Jake got into his car, he was thinking about how he was going to do it. Amy was silently driving and thinking, she began crying, not in sadness but in frustration. "Why Jake? Why?" she suddenly yelled at him. "What?" he looked dumbfounded. "Why did you have to get involved with him?! What the hell is wrong with you? Now you might kill us all!" She slammed her hands down on the steering wheel. "ME? You mean me? You think I wanted this to fucking happen?! And what's wrong with me? I'm not the deranged psychopath that is after us! I DIDN'T ASK TO BE INVOLVED WITH HIM! IT WAS THE BEST OUT OF A WORST SITUATION!" Jake yelled back. Amy was taken aback by his sudden volume change and silenced herself, Jake rolled his eyes and thought to himself, eventually drifting into a nightmarish sleep. 


"Maybe next time you'll learn your fucking lesson." An inmate said before spitting on him. Jake had enough of these beatings and swore to himself next time it happened, he would destroy this sum-bitch. Another day rolled by and he got into another fight, this time, he was thinking if this inmate were to hurt Amy. He beat the inmate to a pulp, blood and teeth came out of his mouth and held his gut because of Jake stomping on his ribs on multiple occasions. He was forced into solitary, and before him stood Amy. "Why did you do this. This is your fault Peralta, now I'm dead." She said, he quickly noticed that this didn't look like Amy. Her skin was a inhumane pale with her sunken eyes that had no shine to them. Her hair was a mess and he also noticed her clothes were soaked with blood, it all coming from a certain point. He stood up as she fell to the ground, trying to pinpoint were all the blood was coming from but to no avail. "NONONONONO, AMES STAY WITH ME! PLEASE I CAN'T DO THIS. I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU AMY. PLEASE!"


Jake was awoken by Amy yelling at him and shaking him. "Jake are you okay?" She asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine." he replied, shutting his eyes once again. It was a dreamless sleep lucky for him, but when he awoke he was at the safe house and it was 12:01. Holt should be calling, he noted to himself. He grabbed his bags in silence but noticed Amy staring at him with.. anger? Worry? He couldn't tell at this point. 


"Okay Jake, I'm going to head out now. I love you okay?" Amy said. "I love you to Ames. I'm going to miss you." He replied. The two kissed and Amy left. As soon as he saw the car lights go, he grabbed the bag he needed that was filled with guns and ammo. He was going to find this SOB and get rid of him for good, well, he was going to wait for him. He pulled out a phone he had previously and messaged the email that Romero was talking from. 

"******** Is my address. Let's settle this, just the two of us." Jake sent, about 20 minutes later he got a response.

"You best hope you're by yourself. I'm going to kill you."  He sent back. 

Jake began preparing Home Alone style, he set the door up with oil so he would slip, the windows had cans underneath and he was waiting upstairs for him. He saw the car pull up, by the time he arrived, it was dark out. Jake was wearing a bulletproof vest with black jeans and a black longsleeve. "Come on out Jake, lets settle this like men." Romero taunted while walking up to the front door. Wow this guy is an idiot. It was unlocked and Romero walked in and slipped, Jake laughed to himself hearing him curse. "Alright! Get out here you stupid bitch!" Jeff yelled and finally had enough, "Come and find me!" Jake yelled from upstairs. Romero stomped up the stairs, Jake was waiting right around the corner and bashed his head in with the butt of his gun. 20 minutes later, Jeff was tied up, Jake was checking around the house searching for anymore men. "Wow you really came alone? You're more stupid then I thought." Jake said tauntingly. Jake pulled out his phone and called Holt, police arrived and dragged Romero away. 

"You could've called us to help! You didn't have to do this by yourself." Holt scolded Jake. "No, I needed to do this. Romero wanted ME, not anyone else. It's his own fault anyways. I can handle myself." Jake argued back and walked away. He was allowed to return to work after 3 days of observation to see if anyone else were going to come for him. In the few months that Romero was in custody, his trial eventually happened and he was sentanced to life for attempted murder. Romero learned not to fuck with an angry Jake Peralta. 

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