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So we all know about Jake's bee allergy? I wanted to write about it, the idea is inspired by another fic I saw. I sadly don't remember the user but PROPS TO THEM :D

No one's POV

It was a hot summer day, everyone sitting at their desks peacefully typing away mindlessly. Jake was hyper-focused on his documents when he suddenly flinched due to a strange noise.. buzzing? His worse fear came true, a bee was flying around his head. "Jake, everything okay over there?" Charles asked. Before Jake could answer, his hand flew and hit the bee. This evil little bee did NOT appreciate that and stung him right into his neck. He stopped and a few moments later he started hyperventilating because his throat was closing up. "Jacob? What's going on?" Charles asked again, catching the attention of everyone else. Jake suddenly started gasping and holding his hand up to his throat prompting Charles to get up and run over to him. "Jake? buddy can you hear me? What's happening?" He asked worriedly. Jake managed to quietly whispered "bee.." before passing out. 

"CALL 911!" Charles suddenly yelled, catching the attention of everyone. Amy quickly whipped out her phone and quickly dialed 911. Gina ran over to his desk, already knowing what was about to happen. "Lay him on his side, quickly!" She said loudly, "wait why?" Terry asked. Before Gina could reply, Jake started violently convulsing. Charles laid him down, Holt running out of his office. "What's going on? What's wrong with him?!" Holt panic-shouted. "He was stung by a bee, he's heavily allergic." Gina replied while rummaging through Jake's desk looking for an Epi-Pen. Terrence was now next to Amy and she covered her eyes and turned away , "Oh god.." she said in fear. "Yeah.. Yeah, he's seizing hurry!" She yelled into the phone. "Is there anything we can do?" Terry asked. "No, we have to wait it out. Gina we need that Epi-Pen now!" Charles yelled. "Got it!" Gina yelled before quickly pulling the cap off and injecting it into his leg. The seizure had stopped by then but Jake still wasn't breathing. "W-why isn't he breathing?! Why isn't he breathing?!" Amy yelled. "I-I- don't know! I don't know!" Charles yelled back, causing more distress. Jake began convulsing again, white foam seeping through is gapped lips. As if on que, paramedics rushed through the elevator. "Everyone step away from him now!" one of the paramedics yelled. Eventually they dragged him away to the hospital. 


Holt was nervously pacing around the bullpen as Amy, Rosa and Terry bombarded Charles and Gina with questions. "EVERYONE! That's enough!" the captains voice boomed throughout the room, causing everyone to pause. He signaled for Gina to explain what was going on. "He's extremely allergic to bee's. He must've been stung. It's happened twice since my whole time knowing him. It was never that bad before though, he usually just stops breathing.. I've never seen him.." She trailed off, Charles hugged her. "I'm- I'm sure he's going to be fine.. Yeah.. He's going to be fine. Right?" Rosa offered. Everyone knew she was scared if she was second guessing herself. "You know what? Screw this let's go." Terry said with confidence. 

The squad piled into Sgt. Jeffords car, besides Amy and Rosa. The rest were now driving off to St. Lilacs hospital. They all reached there, Amy running to the doors first. She quickly jogged to the receptionist and said "Jake Peralta? Is he here?". The receptionist typed in his name which felt like forever and replied "Yes, he's here but you can't see him now. The doctors are assessing him for any residual poison and after that he's going to need a lot of rest. The only thing you can do now is wait.". Karen Peralta entered the waiting area and Gina saw her, running over and hugging her. "What is going on? They told me he had some sort of allergic reaction. Do you know what happened?" She asked softly, clutching her purse in both hands. "Yes he did, he was stung by a bee. He had 2 seizures as far as we know." Gina replied. "We?" Karen tilted her head slightly. Gina led her over to the rest of the squad, "Oh thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it." Karen said, acknowledging that these were her son's coworkers. Soon enough, a doctor came out and said "Family of Jake Peralta?". The whole squad stood up however the doctor said "I apologize but it's only family that is allowed to visit at the moment.". Gina did not take that lightly "Oh screw that! We are his family now where is he?" she said, anger seething in her voice. The doctor sighed, realizing that these people were not budging on this. He took them to another room and explained "He was without oxygen for about 8 minutes, we managed to get him breathing again but he began seizing again. He will be okay, I'm happy to answer any questions.". "When can we visit him?" Holt asked impatiently. "Actually right now, but only 2 at a time please. Its room 102.".

Gina and Karen went in first, followed by Amy and Rosa then Terry and Charles and Holt went in last. "I'm glad you're okay, Jacob. Gina was close to punching out that doctor if she wasn't allowed to see you." he said, Jake chuckled but he soon winced by the pain in his leg. "Hey, take it easy." Holt said. He noticed Jake's eyelids were falling and his responses were slowed, "Get some rest Jake, I'll visit you tomorrow." Holt said standing up. "M'kay.. night dad.." Jake said quietly half awake. "Goodnight, son." He replied with a small smile and flicking the lights out. 


966 WORDS?!?! WOWZERS. Thank you for all the votes guys! It means so much to me and i really appreciate it <3

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