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AN: HELLO HELLO DEAR FRIENDS. So I just wanted to say I'm transgender and I'm writing the shitty and good aspects on it. Also really sorry I haven't been updating my health has gone to shit. OKAY ENJOY (also 2 versions, one of transphobic and one not.) CW: self harm/ self harm descriptions. Please be cautious.

No ones POV

Jake Peralta has always known he was transgender. Ever since he was 10. His previous name was Margaret, his mother didnt support. His father didn't, hell he really didnt know at all. Considering he left when Jake was seven. Karen used to yell and scream and kick him out. I mean, what did he expect? They're not that understanding.


"C'mon what's wrong with you Jake? Are you not comfortable with having sex?" Amy asked me. "Uh..well. its- it's not that I'm not comfortable. Its know.." I replied, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. "Hey you can tell me. Its okay! I'll always love you, unless your like secretly a girl or something." She said kind of jokingly. "Oh, uhh well I have a small penis I have to go buy milk. Cause you know my father he never got it. Okay uh bye." I said quickly getting up and leaving. *what kind of excuse was that? Seriously Peralta get your act together.*.

The next daaaayyy

"Jake what the fuck was that about last night? You just straight up left! What's your problem with me?" Amy said angrily. "I have to go. I'm sorry Amy." I said, staring out the ground. I leave supply closet K and walk back. "Peralta where'd you go?" Terry said. "Supply closet K, you know. With, 'dem dollsss" I said awkwardly. "Alrighty then."

No ones POV

Amy was crying, she thought she had done something wrong. Rosa walked in. "Hey what's wrong? Amy talk to me."
-after explaining because the author is a lazy person-

"I'll talk to him. It's okay Amy.". Rosa said getting up and leaving. "Jake! We need to talk! Now." Rosa said seriously and pulled Jake into the briefing room. "Why the fuck is Amy telling me things about you ditching her last night, shes crying right now because of you. She did nothing wrong!" Rosa yelled at Jake, he zoned out.


" JAKE! Are you even listening?!". "I'm sorry." Is all he could muster out. "What?" She asked. "I'm fucking trans Diaz. She said to me last night 'as long as your not secretly a girl or anything'. I know she doesnt know but..fuck. I have a dick and a flat chest but I cant tell her. I just..cant." Jake said, tears starting to pour. "Jacob, I support you fully. I think you should tell her though. She feels pretty upset right now." Rosa said calmly. "'re probably right."

"Amy, we need to talk." Jake said. "Yes. Yes we do Jake. Why'd you run out on me?" Amy said snapping her head. "Its because if something you said last night. When you were trying to get me to tell you why I wasnt up for sex. You said 'as long as you're not a girl'. Ames, I'm transgender. I was born a girl but I've fully transitioned now. I have a dick and a flat chest. I just feel that I had to explain that." Jake poured his heart out. "What." She said, looking grossed out. "You mean to tell me I've been in a relationship with a fucking girl. What the fuck." She replied, disgust written on her face. "Amy I'm not a gir-". "Don't even try, that's so..weird. I'm sorry but I can be with someone like that. That's literally disgusting. Its over." She said quickly and leaving. Jake began to cry harder then he ever has before. He felt so bad, and at fault. He didn't know who to go to. Except..

Rosa's POV.

4:13 AM. I wake up to knocking on my door. What the fuck? I grab my bat just in case. I slowly opened the door to see..Jake? "Jake what wrong, it's so late!" I said, slightly pissed off. Until I noticed his eyes were red and puffy. Tears flowing. I looked down to see blood dripping from his hands. "Peralta..what.." is all I could say. "She broke up with me. I-im sorry I didnt know who to go to. I can't trust anyone but you at this point.". He said shamefully. "Come in, please." I replied quietly. I grabbed a first aid kit and started to roll up his sleeve. "Its okay. I'll bandage it myself." I heard him say. "Are you sure?". "Yeah." He replied. I watched as he put polysporin on the wounds and bandaged them up. Its was like routine for him. "I'm so sorry Rosa. I'm so sorry." He said after finishing. "No I'm sorry, I thought she would've been supportive. I'm sorry." I said quickly. "No please dont apologize. I had a question..can I spend the night here?" He asked politely. "Of course. I have a guest room. Follow me." I took him to the room. "Are you going to be okay tonight?" I asked, putting my hands on his shoulders. "Yeah, I'll be okay.". "Alright. Goodnight Jake." I said. "Goodnight rosa.


"Amy, we need to talk." Jake said. "Yes. Yes we do Jake. Why'd you run out on me?" Amy said snapping her head. "Its because if something you said last night. When you were trying to get me to tell you why I wasnt up for sex. You said 'as long as you're not a girl'. Ames, I'm transgender. I was born a girl but I've fully transitioned now. I have a dick and a flat chest. I just feel that I had to explain that." Jake poured his heart out. "Jake, I will always support and love you. I didn't and never will mean or say anything like that okay? I love you to death. No matter what gender you were born as." Amy said and kissed him. He started crying and hugged her. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He said.


"Soo, howd it go?" Rosa asked Jake. "It went..amazing. she said she supported and loved me. No matter what gender I was born as!" Jake said very excitedly. "That's awesome man! I told ya!" Rosa said, playfully punching him in the shoulder and smirking. "Are you smiling?" He asked in shock. "What? No! What? Nuh uh." Rosa said walking out.

Hi my darling doves, sorry for the lack of updates. Depression got worse and whatever, I will try and upload more! Have a great day! ♡

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