Flinch (angst)

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Jake had never really talked about his childhood, people only knew his dad left. But what happens when Jake is forced to reveal it? 

No one's POV

There was an accident in the breakroom, Rosa had dropped the coffee pot and it shattered everywhere. It was the nightshift they were on and Rosa was 10% more pissed off than usual, she yelled out a "FUCK!" which caused Jake to visibly flinch back. The shattering of the pot had scared him enough but her to yell caused even more fear, he had never been to therapy after one of the incidents when he was a kid. Needless to say he didn't know how to cope with fear. Before he could acknowledge his fear, his heart paced up and his breathing became shallow. Suddenly the room was spinning and he felt nauseous, he was a ghostly pale. 

"Jake you good?" He heard someone say but he couldn't make out the voice. He went into autopilot and responded with "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just the noise.". Everything was fuzzy and he couldn't understand anything, suddenly his breathing turned into hyperventilating. "Jake, Jake look me in my ey-" The voice suddenly turned into his father's voice. 


The room was hot, and gross. The smell of pot and booze filled Jake's nose as his drunken and high father grabbed his arm and slapped him across his face. 

"YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME! I AM YOUR FATHER, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Roger yelled at full volume. He was crying and the heat was getting to him, he couldn't speak, he couldn't breathe. 


"AKE! C-" 




He was sucked back into this horrible world, the lack of sleep and  the noise was bothering Jacob. His 'father' hit Karen. 


Roger yelled with hatred, Jake wanted to yell, to scream at him to stop, to hurt him. But after all, he's just a boy. 

 "Buddy you with me? Jake? Hey it's Gina, I need you to breathe with me, yeah? C'mon deep breath in.". His vision was coming back, Gina was in front of him on her knees. She was holding his hands while squeezing them. "You with me?" She asked again. "Y-yeah. What.. What happened?" He stuttered on his words. "You had a panic attack, I took you to supply closet C. I figured you were thinking about.. Nevermind it doesn't matter. Are you okay Jacob?" She asked softly with worry. Jake nodded, then he realized he was going to have to tell the squad what happened. Charles entered the room with some water. "I-Is he? Jake I was so worried! The whole squad is concerned are you okay?" Charles babbled and put down the water. "He's going to be okay right Jake?" Gina said, "Mhm" he replied with. "Also, don't worry Jake I told them about your fear. I didn't tell them why but it's up to you." Gina said with a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and muttered a thanks and left. 

After the whole incident, everyone was wary about causing loud noises around Jake. 


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