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LANGUAGE 1: Chinese

It was a Monday morning, everyone silently typing away, not in the mood for anything. Suddenly, an old lady who appeared to be Chinese walked into the station, her face filled with panic. Det. Peralta stood up, walked over to her and tried to communicate in English.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down. Could you talk me through what happened?" Jake tried, but she shook her head no and spoke "请问楼主有人会中文吗?". He immediately understood, she was asking if anyone spoke Chinese! He responded with " 是的,女士,我会说中文,我能帮上什么忙吗?" which translates to "Yes ma'am I speak Chinese, how may I help?". Everyone sort of turned their heads up in confusion as the lady, whose name was Mi Zhou, explained a man grabbed her purse. He got a description and translated it into the sketch artist.

After the whole ordeal, Jake sighed and left the break room. He went to make himself a coffee, Rosa was also in the kitchen, and she questioned him.

"Since when do you speak Chinese?" she asked, pouring herself some hot coffee. "I learned when I was 18, I had always wanted to go to China so I learned it." He replied, realizing that sounded a little vague, he corrected himself. "Well I had previously wanted to visit China, and when I turned eighteen I finally decided to go there. I had been learning it since I was sixteen. I'm not exactly sure why I have a certain interest in languages but whatever." The detective spoke, grabbing a mug. Everyone learned something about Jake that day.

LANGUAGE 2: Arabic

Since the day everyone learned Jake could speak Chinese, they got curious about how many languages this goofy detective knew. Holt was next to ask him about it during a break.

" I've been thinking," Holt took a pause. "How many languages do you know?" he asked with curiosity. "Oh! Well, uh," Jake seemed to be caught off guard but quickly gained his composure. "I can speak English, Chinese, Arabic-", "You speak Arabic?" Holt cut him off. "Yeah, I can speak Arabic. Wait, why did that capture your interest?" The detective asked. "I know Arabic as well, that is quite interesting Peralta" Holt said, a slight bit of excitement showing. He spoke once more, "I studied abroad for a year in Eygpt. It was very informative.". Jake decided to mess with Holt a bit, just to see if he could understand. "هل تتحدث العربية؟" which translates to "Do you speak Arabic?". To Peralta's surprise, Holt replied with "نعم أفعل بيرالتا.". That meant he did know how to speak Arabic. It was a bonding experience for both as they continued to talk in Arabic.

LANGUAGE 3: Portuguese (Brazillian)

Jake was taking a Brazillian girl out on a date, he decided to surprise her later in the night with his Portuguese skills. He had picked up the language a while ago, and while he was somewhat rusty, Jake still knew how to get by in a conversation.

The clock struck 7 and Jake was getting ready to pick her up to go to dinner. He was practising his pronunciation in the mirror before putting on his shoes and walking out the door. He referred back to the address on his phone while driving and after 25 minutes he reached her apartment. Jake recognized her from the photo she sent and pulled up beside her.

"Hey! How are you?" Jake said with a smile. "Hi, I'm good, thanks!" She replied, entering the passenger seat. They made small talk, talking about work and such, when Jake decided to ask. "You're Brazilian right?" Jake asked. "Yes I am, Portuguese is my first language!" she replied, seeming excited. Jake then said "O português é minha quarta língua, visitei lá uma vez, há dois verões. Foi lindo.". She had a shocked expression, then a smile, she began talking in Portuguese. The two spoke Portuguese for the rest of the night.

AN: i started writing on grammarly. i am slightly dissapointed in myself 

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