Jake's ADHD. 💛🧡

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Speaking from someone who possibly has ADHD (not officially diagnosed.), it's difficult for me to focus. So I'm projecting ADHD problems onto a chapter cause why not. ENJOYY

Jake POV
"Oh shit I forgot to take my meds AGAIN." I complained to myself while driving. I was already distracted by tiny little things. Not enough to make me go 'WOAAHH' but enough to cause my brain to be like 'oh look at that!'. Whatever I just have to make it through the day...

Terry's POV

"JAKE. What's going on with you? So far you've managed to make 8 paper airplanes, misdirect 2 interrogations and forget about almost everything. Including your coffee in the break room!" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry! Its jus- wait my coffee's still in there?" He asked. "PERALTA, finish your sentence!" I yelled leading him back fo the conversation. "Could we talk a bit more privately, maybe not on the bullpen?" He asked, quietly. "Yeah okay?" I told him. We went to the break room where he told me something. "I'm really sorry sarge it's just.." He trailed off. "Just what?" I said sternly. "I have ADHD. I forgot to take my adderall for the past 3 days ON ACCIDENT. It's been really hard to focus. And I know it's not excuse I'm really sorry Terry." He said shamefully. I took a sigh and said "Jake why didn't you tell me before? I need you to remember these things, your work depends on stuff like this. I'm totally fine with it ok? Just be honest next time." I said with my fatherly advice voice. "Yes sarge. Again really sorry." He replied. "Now get your ass put there we have work." I said pointing to the door. "Yes Sargent" He said with a smirk and we both left. I smiled to myself because all the dots were attaching. I always suspected he had ADHD but never asked.

AN: HI GUYS! ANOTHER CHAPTER WITHIN 15 MINUTES??? What have I become. I'm sorry if this chapter is stereotypical ADHD things but i didnt want to go into nitty gritty details about ADHD. Overall I hope you guys enjoyed! I need to get my dumbass to bed cause I have school in the morning. NIGHT YALL!!

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