Chapter 1

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Apo Pov

Do you believe a vampire are exist? Not all people believe it.. But as for me.. I wish I can meet with a vampire one day... Why? Because I have a feelings that they are exist.. Some people said vampire aren't real.. Some people said its real... But.. What will you do if you see a beautiful vampire is right in front of your eyes? Will you grab a chance or leave it?

At Apo house(Morning)

Kring kring kring... A young man who is still lying on the bed groan slowly and hide in the blanket... Suddenly there's a door open..Thong..Apo older brother sit slowly beside him and pat Apo head and reply.. Po.. Hey sweetie.. Wake up.. You need to go to university.. Phi will send you na.. Mom and Dad and Barcode already waiting at the kitchen...Apo pop out his head through the blanket and look at his older brother with a sleepy look and reply.. Im lazy!.. And hide again inside the blanket.. Suddenly Barcode come in and pull the blanket slowly and say.. P Apo... Mom already nagging.. Please wake up na... P Thong then reply.. See? I told you.. Come on.. Apo then wake up and go to take a shower... Barcode then help to tidy up Apo bed with a help from Thong... Then both of them go downstairs... Mrs Amy then see her 2 sons going down and ask.. Did you both succeed to wake that kiddo? Suddenly Mr Paul then interrupt.. Ok2.. Lets wait for our son to join us.. All of them sit down while waiting for Apo to come down... 10 minutes later... Apo join them at the kitchen and start to eat as fast as he can because Apo realize that he is already late for today class.. Apo quickly get up and hug all of them and ride his bicycle... Thong shake his head and say.. I already told him that I want to send him.. Barcode pat his older brother arms and put his head on Thong shoulder and reply.. Its ok na P Thong..maybe next time p Thong can send P Apo... Both of the parents just smile while looking at their 2 sons.. P Thong kiss his little brother forehead and stroke it gently and say.. Ok.. Mae Pho nong... Its my turn to go to work.. Since Pho already retired.. I need to handle a lot of stuff at the office.. Paul then reply... Its OK.. If you need anything.. Feel free to tell.. Thong nod and get up and go hug and give his parents a short kiss and leave to work.. Barcode then help his parents to clear up the table..

20 minutes later..

Apo finally arrives at the University.. Apo quickly put his bicycle and run to attend the class.. Then Apo accidentally fall on the staircase and groan in pain... Ouch.. Say Apo with a slow voice.. Suddenly.. Apo see a hand in front of him.. Slowly Apo lift up his head and see a beautiful student who is looking at Apo then reply.. God.. You should be careful.. Come here.. let me help you... That student pull Apo slowly to get up and notice there is a blood on his palm and say.. It seems you are bleeding... Apo feel a bit shock and quickly look at his palm and hide his hands and say.. No.. Im fine.. Don't worry na krub... Ermm.. thank you for helping me.. Im sorry.. I really need to go! Apo then run away to the class because he is already late... After the students go to the class... That student who is left alone at the stairs suddenly taste the blood and suddenly his eyes change into red then say to himself.. A pure blood human... Finally.. I found you... That student(Bible) decide to go to the class too...A few minutes later.. Bible already arrive at the class room.. A young teacher notice Bible and say... Aow.. Nong Bible.. you are late again... Bible sigh slowly and go into the class room and say.. Im truly sorry Mrs Jane.. Mrs Jane just nod her head and reply.. Its ok.. You can sit beside Apo.. Bible then go to sit beside Apo... Apo look at Bible and smile softly.. Bible just ignore Apo and focus on Mrs Jane... 1 hour later.. The class already finish... Mrs Jane then say.. Ok attention to all students.. I will give you guys a project.. The project is.. You guys need to find a partner and need to introduce yourself.. Try to give some details about your hobby..favourite food.. Colour and other stuff.. I will give you guys 1 week.. Well.. Good luck to all students.. Class dismissed.. All students go home except Apo.. Apo decide to go and take some fresh air at the basketball area... Bible follow Apo slowly and observe Apo from far.. Apo turn around and see Bible watch him from far and go near Bible.. Bible look at Apo and smile softly while talk slowly to himself.. Beautiful.. Apo then ask.. Hmm.. Did you say something just now.. Bible change his face to a poker face and reply.. No.. I didn't say anything.. Apo just nod his head and say.. Well.. I need to go home now.. Its already evening.. Bible then say.. Wait.. At least.. let's introduce ourselves first shall we? Apo chuckle and say.. Im Apo Nattawin.. 26.. Music faculty.. Bible then reply Im Bible Sumettikul.. faculty... Nice to know you nong.. Apo bow his head and say.. Well.. I see you tomorrow.. Bible then reply yeah sure.. Lets meet again tomorrow.. Apo then go home.. Bible then go to his secret place and have a rest..

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