Chapter 2

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10 minutes later.. Apo arrive at his house with a big smile on his face.. Barcode then notice his big brother smile then ask..Aow P Apo.. You look so happy today.. Why? Is there anything happen at the university today? Apo stroke Barcode head gently and reply nothing.. Im just happy.. Thats all.. Phi is hungry.. Lets eat.. Barcode nod and eat together Apo... After they done eating.. They go up and go into each other room.. Apo sit on his bed while keep remembering Bible and smile softly.. Apo then go to take q quick shower then go to sleep..

Next morning..
Apo get up early and take a shower.. Then Apo go down and about to leave the house then his mom say.. Apo.. Come and eat first na luk.. Apo kiss his mom cheek and reply.. No mom.. I will eat later.. Im already late.. See you later mom.. Apo mom shake her head and sit at the kitchen.. Then Thong Paul and Barcode appear then notice Apo isn't with them.. Amy then say.. Your little brother already left just now... Lets eat together na.. Say Amy with small smile..

15 minutes later..
Apo arrive at the University and about to walk to the class.. Apo turn around as he hear someone call out his name... Apo wait! Say Bible while who is going after Apo.. Apo then say.. Aow.. P Bible.. Good morning.. while bow his head.. Bible smile and ask.. Well.. Do you have a partner for the project.. Apo then reply.. Erm.. Not yet Phi Bible.. Why? Bible then say.. Then.. Please allow me to be your partner since I also didn't have one.. Im lazy to look for a partner.. But since you already here.. Cant we be a partner then? If you don't mind.. Apo smile softly and say.. Yeah.. Sure... Where should we go?Ask Apo with a slow voice... Bible then reply.. Yesterday place.. Lets go.. Apo smile and follow Bible.. A few minutes later.. They arrive at basketball court and Bible take out his camera and turn it on..Apo suddenly feel nervous and slowly walk backwards.. Bible then ask.. Nong.. Are you ok? Apo then reply.. Yeah Phi.. Im just a bit nervous.. Thats all.. Don't worry.. Bible smile and nod then start to record Apo.. Apo start to speak.. Erm..Sawadeekap.. Phom Apo Nattawin krub.. Im 26 years old and i study in Music faculty... My hobby is listening to music and singing.. Bible smile after he hear those words.. Apo then continue.. My favourite colour is black.. My favourite food is anything is fine.. Apo chuckle at the end.. Then continue.. I think thats all from me.. Then bow his head.. Bible then stop the recording and sit down on the floor and play it again.. Apo then feel shy and hit Bible then reply.. Aow.. Enough phi Bible.. You make me feel shy here.. Lets go and play a basketball na.. Bible then shake his head.. Then reply.. Well.. Im not really good.. Apo then say.. Don't lie..come on! Apo pull Bible to stand up and start to play a basketball for 2 round.. Then.. Bible stop playing and put the ball away and say.. Hey.. You look tired.. Lets go to my place ok.. You can rest there as long as you want... Apo look at Bible with a worry face then ask.. Is it ok Phi Bible?I didn't want to burden you.. Bible shake his head and pinch both of Apo soft cheeks and say.. Nope.. Lets go now.. Bible hold Apo hands and take Apo to his secret place.. 5 minutes later.. Both of them arrive at Bible secret place... Apo look around and smile brightly and say.. Wow phi..this place is really nice!Say Apo with excitement in his voice.. Bible then give Apo a plain water and say.. Here.. You should drink first... Don't worry.. Just a plain water.. Apo take and drink it and sit on the sofa.. Apo then notice there's a camera on the table and take it and ask... Erm phi.. Do you mind if i want to take a picture with this? While show the camera to Bible.. Bible then say.. You should put back the camera.. Because i didn't like to be take a picture.. Apo sigh slowly then put the camera back.. Apo then sit down beside Bible and turn on the laptop.. Both of them watch the video that Bible recorded again and again.. Apo who feel shy and uncomfortable try to take a laptop from Bible.. Bible accidentally push Apo on the sofa and lean his face towards Apo.. Apo quickly close his eyes but feel nothing on his lips.. Bible smirk and reply.. Who say that i want to kiss you hmm? Apo open his eyes and look at Bible and suddenly feel his face turn into red.. Bible chuckle and say.. I won't do anything without you permission.. Then kiss Apo lips shortly.. Apo feel shock and touch his lips and look away... Bible then say.. Well.. Its already night.. Lets go.. I will send you home... Apo nod and follow Bible.. Bible walk together with Apo.. Apo stop walking all of a sudden and hug Bible and say.. Phi..thank you for today.. I really have fun... Bible rub Apo back and kiss his cheek and say.. Not a big deal at all.. Feel free to come whenever you want to.. Suddenly a car arrive and Thong come out and walk towards his brother and Bible... Bible then bow and say.. Sawadeekap P Thong.. And smile softly.. Thong then bow and smile back.. Aow.. Nong.. How are you.. Ask Thong slowly.. Bible then reply.. Yeah im fine.. Thanks... Thong then say.. Apo.. Go and wait inside the car ok..Phi need to talk to Bible for a while.. Apo nod his head and go straight to the car.. Thong then ask.. Have you meet Katherine? Bible roll his eyes then ask.. Why? Phi..only you can help me..Thong then sigh and say.. Well.. I only can help you this time.. Thong then take out a small container that contains a blood in it and give it to Bible.. Bible then say.. I don't think this will help.. But i will try to hold on.. Thong pat Bible shoulder and say.. You should meet with Katherine.. She knows how to help you.. Well phi need to go now.. Bible nod and leave..

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