Chapter 17

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1 week later... Now Apo pregnancy is 9 months old... Apo and his mom are on the way to the hospital.. 10 minutes later.. They arrive at the hospital.. Lily then see Apo and Amy.. And say.. Good morning to you both... Amy smile and reply.. Yes Dr Lily.. Good morning.. Do you mind if we want to visit Bible? My son want to see his husband... Lily smile then reply yes.. Sure.. Come this way.. Lily then bring Apo and Amy to visit Bible.. Apo then feel a sharp pain and try to calm down and breathe slowly... Amy then rub Apo belly and ask with a worry voice... Are you ok hmm... You look a bit pale... Lily help Apo to sit down and stand beside Amy... Apo then hold Bible hand and kiss it and say.. Baby.. Please wake up na...our babies can't wait to see you... Then.. Eric join and say.. Bible is fine.. Don't worry.. He is slowly healing... Amy then reply.. Thank God... Apo then get up.. Suddenly feel a water running through his legs and say.. Mom... Please help me... Apo start to cry in pain.. And say.. Its hurts! Lily and Amy feel shock and take Apo.. Eric then say.. Its ok.. Apo is more important! Go! Apo then say.. Mom.. Its hurts! Apo cry even harder.. Angela Karen and Emily arrive and see Apo is about to give birth... Karen then say.. Nurse! Please help Apo! Quick! 2 nurse come towards Apo... Lily is already waiting inside the labor room... Nurse help to change Apo clothes into hospital outfits... Apo then say.. Mom.. I need my Bible.. Please.. Apo trying to endure the pain... Amy stroke Apo head and wipe the sweat on Apo face and say.. Shh.. Its OK... Breath honey.. Take a deep breath and breath again... Apo do as his mom say.. Apo say.. Bible... Please wake up.... I really need you... Lily slowly open Apo legs and check it.. Lily then say... Apo.. Now.. Take a deep breath and push slowly ok.. Ready? Now! Apo hold his mom hands tight and start to take a deep breath and push.. Apo yell Bible name.. Bible!! And push again...Apo then say.. Mom.... I need Bible please.. Apo cry even more ... Lily then say.. Apo.. Come on.. You need to get the babies out.. Apo take a deep breath and push again.. Apo once again yell Bible name.. Bible!! While pushing again and again...

Meanwhile in Bible ward... Bible slowly open his eyes and look around and suddenly get down from the bed and walk outside... Angela then see Bible and quickly hold him and ask.. Bible what are you doing outside... Bible then ask back .. Where is Apo Angela? Where is he? Karen then say.. Apo is in the labor room.. I have a feelings that Apo is having a difficult time to give birth.. Emily then reply.. You better go inside..

Lily then say.. Apo.. come on dear.. Apo then reply with a weak voice.. I can't do it anymore mom.. Amy then say... Apo.. My sweetheart.. You can do it! Come on! Apo cry and push again and again and say.. Its hurt mom... Apo already feel weak then close his eyes.. Lily then see a nurse come in with Bible.. Bible then come towards Apo and say.. Mae.. You wait outside.. Its OK.. Im here now. . Amy smile and wait outside.. Bible stroke Apo head and say.. Baby.. Hey.. Im here.. Its me.. Bible.. Apo open his eyes and see Bible and cry.. Bible.... Apo say while crying.. Its hurt... Bible hold Apo hands tightly and say.. Come on baby.. I know you are strong.. I know you you can get through this.. Apo take a deep breath and push again and again.. Lily then say.. Good Apo.. I already see a baby head! Come on! Apo squeeze his husband hand and yell Bible name again.. Bible!! Apo push again and again.. Until he feels weak... Bible then say.. Its OK baby.. You doing great.. Come on..Apo take a deep breath and push again.. The 1st baby is out.. Nurse take the 1st baby and clean it... Apo take a deep breath and push harder than just now.. Bible keep stroke Apo head and say.. One lasts push sweetheart.. Apo push again and again.. And. 2nd baby is out.. Then nurse take both of the babies and leave the labour room to clean the babies.. Bible cry and kiss Apo forehead for a long time and say.. Thank you so much my love....Apo touch his husband face and close his eyes.. Lily then say.. Its ok Bible... Please wait outside ok.. I need to settle with Apo must return to your ward.. You still need to rest... Bible then reply.. Don't worry about me.. Please put Apo into the private ward.. Bible then leave the labour room and go out.. Amy kiss Bible and hug him tight and say.. Welcome back my son in are a father now.. Karen pat Bible shoulder and say.. Congrats na my dear little bro...Eric and Erica then take Bible to go to the medical check up.. 1 hour later.. Lily and a few of nurse come out from the labour room and push Apo bed and go to the private ward... Lily then let Apo to rest..

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