Chapter 19(Final)

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A few months later.. At Apo condo..

Apo is busy giving a baby bath to Edward and Rose.. While Bible is busy at the kitchen... Today is Ta Barcode wedding day.. But Bible and Apo cant come because they are busy handling with their kids.. 15 minutes later...Apo take Edward and Rose to the living room and let them play with toys and watching tv... Apo help Bible prepare the food on the table.. Bible then clear the kitchen then notice Apo is day dreaming.. Bible hug Apo from behind and kiss his cheek and say.. Whats wrong hmm.. Apo then look at his husband with a sad look and reply.. I feel guilty.. Today is Ta and Barcode wedding...We should be there by now.. But... Apo then look down at the floor and tears start to fall out from his eyes.. Bible lift up Apo chin and kiss his forehead for a long time and say.. Barcode surely will understand.. He knows that we are busy handling with the kids.. Edward and Rose now already 3 years old.. Don't worry ok.. Suddenly there's a door bell rings.. Bible then open the door and see Paul Amy Ta and Barcode.. Bible then take all of them to go inside... Amy then noticed Apo is not in the good mood.. Barcode then hug his brother and say.. Hey P Po.. Its me.. Apo quickly turn around and hug Barcode and cry.. Barcode.. My beloved nong...please forgive phi na.. Phi and Bible couldn't make it to your wedding.. Phi truly sorry! Barcode shake his head and kiss his bro cheek and say.. What are you talking about phi?The fact is.. Our wedding finish early...thats why we are here now.. Ta then reply.. Yes.. Its OK na phi Po.. We understand.. Besides.. Handling 2 kids aren't easy i think...Bible then start to make a milk for Edward and Rose.. Paul and Amy sit together with Ta and Barcode.. Barcode then noticed Apo is pregnant again but pretend not to notice it.. Apo then accompany Edward and Rose while Bible is sitting together with Apo family... Paul then say.. If you ask about Thong.. He is busy with work and...he is also will get marry with Karen.. Apo smile while hear those words... Barcode then reply.. Finally.. Our elder brother will get marry as well.. Amy then get up and start to wash all the plates and cups.. Paul then help to clean the table along with Barcode and Ta...Bible once again clear all the stuff on the table then join his husband and kids at the living room.. Amy then ask.. So.. How is everything? Bible then reply.. Everything is good mom...Don't worry... Barcode then sit beside Apo and rub his belly and whisper.. Congrats na phi.. Apo then stroke his little brother head and smile.. Paul then notice and smile.. Ta chuckle and say.. I think its time for us to go home now... Apo then reply.. Its ok na... Edward and Rose seems to miss you guys a lot.. Edward climb up and play with Paul.. While Amy is carrying Apo little princess and kiss her.. Rose giggle and hug Amy tight.. Bible look at them and smile softly.. Ta then say...oh..i almost forgot.. P Thong send his regards to you both.. Bible then reply.. Please send our regards back to P Thong and Karen... By the way how is the wedding? Is everything ok? Apo then reply.. Im just about to ask the same thing.. Once again... We are truly sorry because we couldn't make it.. Ta then reply..its ok na phi.. We didn't invite too much family.. Our family.. Karen.. Emily Dr Lily.. Eric.. Erica and Angela.. Thats all.. Dr Lily want to come but hospital really need her and Dr Eric too.. So.. They also need to leave early.. Paul then reply.. We will come and visit 4 of you again.. Including the little one.. While pointing to Apo belly.. Amy feel shock and say.. Po.. Are you pregnant again?! Apo hug his mom and say yes mom.. 5 months now.. Amy then hug his son tightly and say... Another baby is coming! Barcode shake his head and pull his mom away and say...enough.. Let's go back.. Phi Po and Phi Bible really need to rest now.. Let them spend their time together with the kids.. All of them hug each other.. Amy then say.. We will go back now.. Please take care of your self.. Don't be stress too much na.. Bible chuckle then say.. Don't worry mom.. Be careful.. If anything.. Please call us na! Ta and Barcode wave then leave follow by Paul and Amy... Apo then close the door and join with their kids.. Edward and Rose starts to feel sleepy...

At night...
Bible and Apo put their kids on the baby bed and kiss both them.. Apo then say.. Good night my little princess.. Bible then reply.. And good night to my little prince... Have a sweet dreams na.. Bible and Apo leave their room and close the door and go back to their room.. Bible stroke Apo belly and say... Thank you for everything na my husband.. Theres no me without you... I love you and our babies very much...Apo then hug Bible and put his head on Bible chest and listen to his heart beat...Bible stroke Apo head gently.. Apo then say.. I think i understand why you chose not to drink my blood.. Because you want to be a human by your own... Bible kiss Apo lips deeply and press their foreheads together.. Then reply.. Yes.. Now you understand it... I rather die to become a human.. So that i can see you i said.. I didn't regret or anything.. You are the reason why im here right now.. I love you so much sweetheart.. Apo then say.. Lets work at Sprite bar together.. You don't have to do everything by your own.. Im always worry about you.. Apo then stroke his beloved husband cheek.. Bible then kiss Apo belly and say.. Stay at home and wait for me.. Thats better.. You are pregnant again.. I can't wait to see our 3rd baby.. Apo then say.. Stop complaining.. Only you can make ke pregnant Mr Sumettikul.. Lets sleep now.. Bible then whisper.. I love you forever...Apo then reply...i love you forever more...

Forever and Always

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