Chapter 3

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At night...

Bible go inside Katherine and sit down.. Katherine then sit in front of Bible with a worry face and say.. Bible.. Please.. You are going to die soon..have you found a pure blood human? Bible then nod.. Katherine feel a bit mad and say.. Why you didn't tell me? Do you know how much i worried about you?! Katherine suddenly yell at Bible.. Bible roll his eyes then stand up and ask with anger... Then what huh?! Do you really expect that I will drink that human blood?! No Kat.. I won't and I can't.. Because i already fell in love with him... If i have to sacrifice my feelings then i will do it.. And.. Please stay away from me and that human.. If i know you dare to do anything or call someone.. I will definitely kill you with my bare hands.. Don't make me do it.. Understand? Bible walk away and slam the door... Katherine bang the table and curse.. Shit! I need to do something.. That stupid pure blood human will ruin everything...

At Apo house.. (Thong room)..

Apo go to Thong room and hug Thong from behind and say.. Hey phi Thong.. Thong then stroke Apo head gently and say.. Aow.. Phi thought you already sleep na.. Barcode also already sleep.. Apo then sit on the bed and ask.. Phi.. Just now I saw you give something to Phi Bible.. What is it Phi Thong? Thong then say.. Ooh.. That one.. Bible say he had a headache.. So phi gave him a painkiller..thats all.. Don't worry ok.. Bible is strong.. He will recover soon.. Say Thong while kiss Apo forehead and say.. Well.. You should go to sleep now.. Its already late.. Apo nod then go to his room and sleep..

Next morning at University...
Apo arrive at the University and walk slowly to the park and see Bible is sitting there... Apo suddenly feel shy.. Decide to join Bible and sit together with him.. Bible then notice Apo already sit with him.. Then say.. Good morning Apo... Apo feels more shy then avoid eye contact with Bible... Bible then ask... Hey.. Apo.. Whats wrong? Are you sick? Apo then reply.. You look handsome! Apo quickly cover his face and say in his heart.. 'what the hell am i saying... Bible feel a bit shock then chuckle softly then reply.. Well.. At least.. Please look at me.. Apo then say.. Phi.. Im bored.. Lets go to your place na... Bible then nod and go to his secret place with Apo.. Apo then stroke Bible cheek softly and say.. I love you phi... I don't think i can hide this feelings anymore... Bible then reply.. The time passes quickly.. Its already night.. Apo shake his head and kiss Bible cheek and say.. Please phi.. I don't want to go home yet...

Meanwhile outside of the University Thong try to call Apo but didn't pick up.. Thong sigh and get out from the car and start to look for his little brother..

Bible then ask.. You didn't want to ask me..about my self? Apo then reply.. Huh? About you? Bible then ask.. Do you believe me if I say.. Im a 300 years old vampire..Apo smile and reply.. I do believe vampire is exist.. Now that vampire is right in front of me... Bible eyes suddenly change into red and try to suck Apo blood.. Suddenly theres a door open.. Thong who see his little brother almost got kill by Bible suddenly rush towards them and pull Apo and push Bible away then reply.. Stay away from him! Apo...let's go home! Apo try to get away from Thong.. Thong managed to drag Apo out from the building.. Apo who feels uncomfortable.. suddenly pull his hands away from Thong and say.. you better stop it Phi Thong! Thong is shock by his little brother behavior and look away.. Thong then say.. Did you know that you were almost got kill by that bloodsuckers? Apo then reply with anger.. I never hate you phi.. Please don't make me hate you.. Enough is enough.. Enough with controlling my life! Im not a kid anymore phi.. Thong shake his head and say.. The reason why Bible is so close to you not because he loves you..but he just wants to drink your blood.. You are special Apo.. Your special blood can make Bible turn into a human.. Apo roll his eyes and reply.. then what huh?! You better stay away from me.. Apo walk away and ride his bicycle and return home...

At Katherine office room...

Katherine take out her phone and dial the number and say.. Hello Nodt.. Where the hell are you? Nodt then reply.. Well.. Why you call me all of a sudden? Katherine then reply.. I need your help.. You must get rid of that pure blood human.. His name is Apo.. Bible should drink that stupid human blood but i dont know what the hell is he waiting for.. He is about to die soon.. Nodt smirk and reply.. Yeah..i know what i have to do then hung up the phone... Bible who is already outside hear everything and leave..

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