Chapter 14

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Next morning..

Apo wake up slowly and go to the bathroom and take a shower... A few minutes later.. Bible wake up and help to tidy up the bed... 10 minutes later.. Apo walk out slowly from the bathroom and see the room is already tidy up.. Bible then walk towards his husband and kiss Apo forehead and say.. Good morning sweetheart.. Apo then hug Bible and say.. Good morning my husband and kiss him... Bible then reply.. You don't have to prepare everything.. You must rest a lot sweetheart.. Apo rub his belly.. Bible kiss Apo big belly and say.. Morning my babies... Suddenly.. Apo feel a pain and say.. Shh babies...Bible then take Apo and help him to sit down and rub Apo belly again and kiss it... Bible then say.. I love you and our babies so much.. I will work hard for us.. I promise ok.. Apo then say... I want to work too... Im always worry about you.. Bible shake his head and reply.. Stay at home ok.. I will go to shower now.. Bible then take a shower... Apo go to the kitchen start to make a sandwich and serve it on the table... Apo then make a warm tea and serve it as well.. After a few minutes later... Bible come out and see the breakfast is already on the table.. Apo then say.. Honey... I need to iron your clothes.. Which clothes that you want want to wear for today? Bible hold Apo hands and kiss it then reply.. Please stay here while im eating.. I really hate to eat alone... Apo smile softly and reply.. Ok.. I will wait for you.. After Bible done eating... Apo then take the plate and cup then wash it.. Bible then start to iron his own clothes so that Apo didn't have to do it... Bible then reply.. Baby.. I need to go now.. Please wish me luck ok.. My little babies... Daddy need to go to work now.. Please help daddy to take care of mommy na... Don't bully mommy.. Always listen to mommy ok.. Daddy love you both so much... Bible kiss Apo forehead and his belly for a long time and say.. Don't move too much na.. I love you so much.. I will go now ok.. See you later.. Apo nod and close the door...Bible then drive to the bar... Nodt and Katherine just observe from far.. Katherine then reply.. You know what should you do Nodt... Nodt smirk and reply yes.. I do... Now.. Lets start our plan...

15 minutes later..
Bible arrive at the bar and start doing his work.. Sprite then come towards him and say.. Aow Bible.. My son! P really miss you na.. Bible then reply back.. Yeah i miss you too.. I promise i will work hard P Sprite... Bible start to make a cocktail and serve it to the customers...

Apo is watching TV... Then his phone ring and without looking at the phone.. Apo quickly pick up the phone and say Hello Bible? Nodt then start to speak like Bible and say.. Hello there baby... What are you doing... Apo feel a bit weird because Bible never call Apo during his work time..Apo then watching tv right now.. Why baby? Nodt smirk and reply... I want to take you to go to theme park... Go and get ready... I will send a taxi so that you can go there... Hurry up.. Nodt then hung up the phone... Nodt then call Katherine and say... I already call that stupid guy.. He will come out later.. Just wait outside of the condo... 10 minutes later Apo come out and already see a taxi and sit behind the driver sit.. Apo then take out his phone slowly and turn on the gps and text his husband and quickly keep his phone.. Apo rub his 8 months old belly and smile... Didn't realize the danger that Apo will be facing...
Meanwhile at the bar... Bible is helping P Sprite to clear the bar.. Suddenly Bible phone buzzing and Bible see a message from Apo... Bible then read it silently.. Honey.. Lets meet at the theme park later ok.. Im already on the way.. Bible feel a bit shock and start to feel panic..Sprite then ask.. Aow.. My son.. What's wrong hmm.. Are you ok? Bible then show the message to Sprite.. Sprite then reply... Someone is kidnapping your wife!Bible.. You should go and save him! Hurry up! Bible then turn on the gps and start to look for his beloved husband.. 15 minutes later... Apo then arrive and realize.. He is at an old abandoned house.. Katherine then open the car door and pull Apo and drag him to go inside the house and throw Apo on the floor... Apo then hiss in pain and see Nodt... Apo then say.. You... Nodt slap Apo face and start to kick Apo belly many times.. Apo start to cry in pain and say.. Stop! Please stop it! Its hurt! Nodt laugh evilly and say.. That pain is nothing compare to what you have done to me!!Nodt then say Bible should be with me! Katherine slap Apo face as well and say...Bible choose you than us and a stupid guy like you should die!! 5 minutes later.. Bible burst into the house and see his beloved husband is torture by Nodt and Katherine... Bible then punch Nodt and kick him hard..Bible yell in anger and say enough!! You both are bastard! Stay away from my husband! Katherine then stab Bible twice and push him away.. Apo then yell.. No!! Bible! Katherine you bastard! Apo try to stop Nodt from running away but got kick.. Nodt then punch Bible face then run away... Apo cry and hold Bible in his arms and say.. You gonna be ok baby... Please.. Please hold on... For our babies... Please... Apo start to sobbing.. Suddenly Apo see 3 woman run towards them and one of the woman look like Katherine.. Apo then push Katherine away and yell stay away Katherine! You already kill my husband! Go away! Karen turn her head away and her tears start to fall out from her eyes and say.. Emily! Angela! Come and help me.. We need to take both of them to the hospital! Now! Apo then start to rebel and say.. No! I don't want to! Let me go! Angela then reply.. Shh shh.. Its ok... We aren't your enemies.. We are here to help you and your husband.. Trust me.. Emily.. Have you call the police? Karen then say.. I already did.. Let's go! They go to hospital... 10 minutes later they arrive.. Karen then see Lily.. And say.. Lily.. Take Apo to the medical check up... Lily then noticed Bible already lost a lot of blood.. Suddenly another dr come towards them and ask.. Whoa! What the hell is happening?! Emily then reply.. Eric.. Please save Bible.. You are a doctor here! Come on! Then Eric twin sister.. Erica come and say.. Lets take him to the surgery room.. Meanwhile in the medical check up room... Lily already done checking up on Apo and ask Apo to rest on the bed... Lily leave Apo alone and meet with her friends outside of the room..

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