Chapter 18

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Angela Karen Emily and Bible go into Apo private ward.. While Amy stay outside of the ward to wait for her husband.. Thong and Barcode also Ta to come... A few minutes later.. Amy Paul Ta Barcode and Thong come in.. They hug Bible.. Paul then say.. My son in law.. Congratulations and welcome back na.. Barcode and Ta pat Bible shoulder and smile softly.. Amy kiss Bible forehead and say.. Please take care of your little family from now on.. Thank you for coming back to us my dear.. We are so afraid.. Emily then reply.. Yes.. You really scare us to death.. Karen then reply.. Im truly sorry about everything that Katherine had done to you and Apo.. Also with the babies... Angela rub Karen shoulder..Bible then reply.. Thank you for saved Apo back there.. I truly didn't know that you guys were here.. Emily than risk your life just to be with Apo.. Erica already had a vision about you and communicated with us.. You already become a human after you reincarnated.. Of course we lost a connection with you Bible.. Karen then reply.. You left us to be with Apo.. Apo is such a brave man.. Im proud of him.. And Im proud of you Bible.. We all were.. Amy hug Karen and say.. 3 of you also like a daughter to me.. Please call me mom.. Is it ok? Angela then reply.. Yes mom.. Karen and Emily hug Amy tight and say.. Thank you mom... Bible nod and smile.. 5 minutes later.. Lily and Erica along with Eric come in with the twinnies.. Lily put the baby girl into Amy arms.. Amy smile while feel tears is about to come out from her eyes and say.. My grandaughter.. Amy put baby girl beside Apo.. While Erica give baby boy to Bible... Bible sit slowly while holding the baby boy in his arms... Apo then open his eyes slowly and see Bible is holding the baby boy.. Apo slowly turn his head and see his little princess is sleeping beside him.. Apo wipe his tears and say.. Mom.. Can you help me to sit? Amy and Lily help Apo to sit.. Lily then take the baby girl and give to Apo.. Apo hold his little princess and kiss her forehead softly.. Bible kiss his little prince as well.. Barcode then ask.. What is their name phi Bible? Apo smile and say.. Rose Lilian Wattanangitiphat Sumettikul.. Bible then reply Edward Zaire Wattanangitiphat Sumettikul.. Emily clap her hands and say.. Wow.. What a beautiful name! Bible kiss both of his babies and whisper to Apo.. I love you so much sweetheart.. Thank you for these beautiful gifts.. Apo kiss Bible cheek and say.. Thank you for accompanying me in the labour room.. I love you too.. Apo then kiss Bible lips softly.. Thong then clear his throat and reply.. Ok2.. Enough you both.. Ta have something to say.. Go ahead Ta.. Apo and Bible looking at each other with a confuse face.. Karen then ask.. Ok.. What is it nong? Ta then take out the small red box and kneel infront Barcode then ask.. Barcode Tinnasit.. Will you marry me? All of them feel shock and start to cheer up.. Apo then say.. Just accept him.. Until when you going to let him kneel like that.. Bible stroke Apo head while chuckle.. Barcode cry and nod his head then give his right hand.. Ta quickly put the ring on Barcode fingers and kiss his forehead and whisper.. I love you sweetheart... Barcode hug Ta and reply.. Yes.. I love you too na.. Thong suddenly hold Karen hand and look at her and smile softly.. Karen feel confuse and then smile softly.. Angela notice it and say.. I think we will have another couple here.. Emily then hug Karen and say.. Finally! You already found one! Bible laugh and say.. Well.. Congrats to you both... Eric hug Lily and say.. You doing great honey... Lily feel shy and hit Eric shoulder.. Apo then hug Lily and say.. Thank you so much Dr Lily..thank you for everything.. Lily stroke Apo head and reply.. Bible.. I hope you will take care of Apo and your little babies... Lily then realize.. Oops.. Im truly sorry.. Me Eric and Erica still have a lot of work to do.. Once again congrats.. I gotta go now! Apo shake his head then see Eric hug Bible and say.. You are slowly healing but still need to be careful.. Bible nod and say.. Yes... I will.. Thank you for everything.. Eric then leave the room.. Thong then reply.. Mom.. I will take Karen out for dating.. Once again congratulations to you both na.. Hope to see more baby.. Karen hit Thong shoulder and say.. Both of them need to rest.. Let's go.. Paul shake his head and smile.. Ta then give a wedding invitation to Apo and say.. Please come na phi Po..Bible then reply.. We will think about it first.. We need to manage our kids too... Barcode then rub Ta shoulders and say.. Its ok.. We understand Phi.. Apo then reply... We will try to come ok.. And.. Please take care of my little brother na krub.. Ta hug Apo tightly and kiss Rose softly and say.. I will.. Don't worry.. Erica hold her best friend hands and leave the ward.. Paul then say.. Ok kids.. Lets go home.. Bible and Apo still need to rest na... Amy nod and kiss her grandchildren and say.. We will go back first.. You both still need to rest.. Barcode hug Bible then say.. Feel free to come and visit us na... Apo then reply.. Yes.. Feel free to come and visit us too.. Paul then say.. Ok guys.. Lets go home na.. Amy.. Paul.. Ta and Barcode go home.. Bible slowly put Edward beside Rose.. Bible then kiss Apo softly and say.. Im sorry.. Im sorry for left you.. I managed to wake up because I feel you keep calling me... Only your voice I heard.. Apo stroke his husband cheek and say... I can't get through it without you by my side.. I yelled your name.. Because at that time.. Only you that i remember... I really need you at that time... Bible kiss Apo deeply and say... I love you so much.. While press their foreheads together.. Apo nod and say.. I love you more sweetheart.. Lets sleep now.. We still need to rest.. Is it still painful? Can i see it? Bible slowly lift up his outfit.. Apo then say.. Its ok..You will be fine... Bible nod and lay beside Apo then go to sleep...

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