In to the Thick of It

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Third person Pov:

"Mooom!" the small M/n called.

"What." she said not looking up from her computer

" Can I go play outside." He shouted with his hand already at the door knob ready to open it.

"Fine, but did you make sure to you do your homework before you go okay."

"Kay". he sighed in annoyance knowing that he did his homework before he asked.

As he finally began to turn the knob to the door. His mom quickly called out.

"Come home before dinner kay, M/n."

Okay! He said louder than the first time before he shut the door with him on the other side.

First Person Pov:

Hi, my name is M/n L/n and I don't really have that many friends in school, but it's not because I don't want to make any. It's just............ I'm not really good at talking to new people and most of the kids don't wanna talk to me. So every day after school I just wonder the forest going deeper and deeper into the woods each time I go.

I look at all of the trees around me and think of how all of this is just right across our front yard. A forest that goes for miles. Today I think I'm going to take a new route and go to the left instead of the right this time, because yesterday I saw a dead skunk, and let me tell you it did not smell good. As I wonder into a new part of the forest I see a splotch of grey in-between the trees as I walk closer to it I see that it's an giant grey wall? I wonder what a wall like that is doing  all the way out here. So, I look for anything to help me look over the it like a rock or something, when I see an easy to climb tree that's barely over the wall. 

As I start to climb the tree I start to see more trees and as I squint to try to make any thing out. A Giant Dog with dead blue eyes pops out of nowhere with it's mouth wide open, ready to eat me alive.

But before the dog takes a bite out of me it turns toward a little boy that looks around my age. Like it's asking him what he should do with me. I try to hurry back down the tree when a loud voice says. "Hey. What are you doing here?"

I stand at the bottom of the tree trying to think of a response. But before I can, I see the small boy with white hair standing on the wall. Watching my body  to see my next move.

"So, are you going to answer?

But I still don't know how to respond. 'should I tell him the truth (That I just kind of wondered over here) or lie.

Killua's Pov

I watch this kids body movements just incase he's some kind of assassin or something. Although he looks harmless I still shouldn't take my eyes off him.

I still await his answer but he seems disoriented by my question.

" Answer the question or the dog eats you!" I said with more urgency in my voice

As the words came out of my mouth the boy seemed more panicked.

" Umm................. well I don't really have a reason for being here." He said slowly as he looked at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck. "I.... kind of just wondered here." He said finally making eye contact with me.

"Likely story, Mike.................. sick em."

"What! wait I swear I only came here by mistake . Promise."

" Promise you say?" I responded with an unamused look on my face as I stood in front of Mike

I think to myself for a bit. 'Well Illumi did say not to trust anyone outside of the household, but this kid looks harmless and if he even tries anything I could just kill him or get one of the butlers to do it for me and it's not like he's going to try something with Mike around. Okay I come to the conclusion that I'll let him live (for now) and if he tries anything he's done for."

I look at the boy with a slight smirk on my face knowing that I have a full-proof plan.

" Hey, kid what's your name?!" I shout from the top of the gate

I see his lips move but I can't hear anything.

" What? whatever. Can you just climb back up that tree so I can hear you better!"

He looks suspicious at first. i mean I don't blame him. I could just be trying to lure him into Mike's mouth for all he knows, but he stills climbs the tree. I watch as he settles himself on the branch closest to the gate.

" It's, M/n. that's my name." He said looking directly at me.

I feel my checks warm up at his gaze while I look into his beautiful eyes that was mostly covered by his hair before.

" Well, I'm Killua, Killua Zoldyck and this is Mike. Sorry if he scared you he was meant to kill any trespassers who try to break into the mansion."

" Wow, there's a mansion behind this wall."

I giggle.

"Wall. No silly, this is a gate."

He looks at me in awe as I slightly look away.

I start to think to myself. ' If everything goes right with this kid then he can actually be my first friend. Well first friend out of the mansion of course.

"Hey, how old are you?" I ask with urgency.

"Um... Well my birthday is in...

He started counting on his fingers.

6 months away. So right know I'm 7 in a half ."

' I just turned seven like 2-3 weeks ago maybe. So that would make us 6 months apart. You know what it's close enough.'

" So, I guess where the same age. Huh?"

3rd Person Pov

The two boys answered and asked questions like this back to back and as they did the sky became darker and darker. But within the darkness a friendship began to bloom between the two boys.

"Okay, let me get this straight." said M/n "You live in a mansion with a 16 ton gate and-."

But before he could continue Killua interrupted.

"The 3rd gate is 16 tons but the whole gate it's self is 256 tons."

Killua smiled as he saw the surprised look on M/n's face.

"Your life is so cool Killua."

Blushed at the comment but the flush began to fade as he realized that his life isn't as cool as M/n might think . But he was still able to put on a slight smile as he asked M/n his question.

" What's your house like?"

M/n looked up as he tried to think about his home life.

"Well....... at home I have two older siblings, one sister and one brother, my mom and my cat, but no one really pays attention to me at home so I mostly just play by myself." As the light in his eyes dimmed slightly.

"Oh.......well I'll play with you!" Killua said with a cheeky closed eye smile.

Y/n looked up at him with a smile .

But then his smile dropped as he realized that it's was super late right now.

"What's wrong." Killua said worried that he scared off his first friend.

" No, nothings wrong. I-I just have to get home. Like now!"

"W-was it something I did?" Killua said in a more panicked voice.

"No, I just told my mom I wouldn't come home late and it's already dark out. M/n sighed. "Sorry. Um.. See you tomorrow?"

He said as he climbed down the tree.

As Killua watched M/n leave.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." Killua said as he smiled to himself.

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