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Killua's Pov:

I waited until my missions started when I decided to visit M/n's house. I made sure that I finished the job faster than I usually do so I at least have an hour or two. I looked down at the note and up to house, clarifying the address. I slowly walked up the steps of the small brown house and knocked on the tan door. I waited patiently at the door as I looked for any sign of someone coming towards it. I looked down and sighed when I realized no one was coming to the door. I turned my body away and started making my way home. 'I guess he didn't wanna be friends with me.' I thought to myself.

"Um, hello?" I turned to see a taller man in the door frame. I went back up the steps

"Hello" I said with an awkward smile on my face. "I'm here for M/n." He looked at me confused.

"M/n?" he seemed uneasy.

"Does he not live here or-" he cut me off.

"A M/n does live here, but are sure your looking for him?" he said leaning against the frame of the door.

"Pretty sure." He sighed as he turned away from me.

"M/N!" he yelled.

"YEAH!" A familiar voice yelled back


"WHO!" He turned back towards me

"What's your name kid?"

"Um, it Killua."

"Kuul-lo-a" he said as he missed pronounced my name.

"No it's-"

"Some kid named Kuul-lo-a" I heard thuds which I assumed came from the stairs. When suddenly I saw M/n slide across the wooden floor towards the door. 

"So, is he like your friend or something?" the dude said to M/n with a gruff expression on his face.

"Yeah, so move it Andrew." He said pushing the guy out of the door way. I glared at him as he walked into the house.

"Who was he?" I said with a scowl on my face.

"Oh, him?" he pointed to the man in his boxers getting a drink for the fridge. "That's my brother. He's supposed to be moving out soon!" He yelled.

"Oh, shut up M/n!"  He yelled back as he made his way to the couch. M/n rolled his eyes. M/n walked up to me and closed the door behind him.

"Sorry about that. My brother can be a jerk sometimes." I smiled. 'At least your brother doesn't poison your food.' I thought to myself.

"It's no problem" We both stood there awkwardly.

"Sooooooo... What do you wanna do?"

"Umm." 'Then an idea came to mind' "Let's play Hide n Seek" I said with a grin on my face.

"Sure, but no going into the woods. Got it ?"

"Got it!"

"Okay, so do you wanna seek or hide?"

"I'll be fine with either."

"Okay then." He said glaring at my cocky-ness. "I'll hide"


"FIne, then count to 30" I closed my eyes and began to count.

"30,29,28,27" I can hear his footsteps going towards the left. 'This is going to be easy. With all of my assassin training an all.' I grinned to my self when my counting came to a stop.

"Ready or not here I come!" I yelled. I saw movement in the bushes. I smiled. "M/n You have no chance against me."  I went behind the bush expecting to find M/n only to see a small bird behind the bush. I sighed 'That's okay you still have the upper hand Killua.' I thought to myself. 

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