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Y/n's Pov:

It's almost 4:00 am and I've been laying down in my bed for hours on my phone without a wink of sleep.

"Creak" I turned my body away from the door pretending to sleep. Hopping I didn't get caught by my mom or even worse. My Brother. I laid on my side waiting for the door to shut again.

"M/n. I know your not sleep." whispered an annoying voice. I sighed and turned to see Killua sitting on my window. I glared at him.

"What do you want Kil?" He rolled his eyes and sat himself onto my bed. 

"I..... Just wanted to ask you something?" He gave me in awkward smile while he waited for my response.

"You know you can just text me. Right? Instead of you know? Coming through my window" I said pulling out my phone for him to see. He moved the phone away from his face with his finger.

"This is just too important." I rolled my eyes.

"Go on. What was so important you had to interrupt my nightly habits." His face lit up.

"Well, my brother Milluki told me about an exam a few days ago."

"Okay? And?"

"Well get this. If you pass you get this kind of unlimited credit card type thing."

"Oh, that's cool"

"And here's the best part.......... THE AGE LIMIT IS 12!" I put my hands over his mouth.

"Be quiet. My family doesn't need to know I'm up right now." I took a breath to calm my nerves. " SO are you like trying to take this exam or something?" He looked down.

"Actually I thought we could take it together ." I sighed.

"What's it called?"


"The exam. What's the name of it?" I said pulling up google on my phone.

"I think it's called the Hunter exam?" I looked up the name and to my surprise it wasn't a paper exam. I scrolled through images and websites causing my eyes to grow wider.

"They let kids do this!?" I loudly whispered.

"Yep. Pretty cool right." He said with a smile on his face.

"No. Not cool. People can die from this. Grown adults die from this." He rolled his eyes.

"Come on. With your smarts and my assassin skills this exam will be a breeze." 'Why does he sound so sure of himself?' I thought. 'Why does he sound so sure of me?' "Come on M/n it'll be fun-" I cut him off.

"Why do you wanna do this Killua?" His smiling face quickly turned into a panicked look.

"I- I just.............. Don't wanna be at home right now." He mumbled. I looked down at my hands. 'This is crazy. We can't pull something like this. My phone literally says the exam can last up to a month. What about school? Will my mom even let me go?' These thoughts clouded my mind. I looked up from my hands to see an anxious Killua sitting on the corner of my bed.

"Fine." That had to craziest thing I've even said in my life.

"Wait. really?" A confused looked appeared on his face

"Yeah, but only you know how to get away with me missing a month of school." He looked as if he was prepared for this question but I quickly stopped him with another one. "And my mom even letting me go." He clasped his hands together.

"So here's the plan. First, you tell your school that your going on a family vacation for a while."

"And, my mom"

"Wait. I'm getting there. And for your mom, you can tell her that your going to science camp or something?"

"For a month? Really?"

"I don't know! I only came up with the first." We sat on my bed in silence trying to think of a plan.

"Your brother's going to college in two more days right?"

"Yeah. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"I mean we don't have to worry about him since the exam starts in two weeks and your sister's been in college for 3 years now. " I grabbed my big ass forehead. 'I'm too tired for this'

"Since we have a decent amount of time. Why don't we continue this tomorrow ?" I yawned.

"Your right lets continue this later." He said as he hoped off my bed and going towards the window. "Night."


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