Chapter 1

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Naughty Nights Club, New Jersey

Liz stood behind the bar pouring drinks from the bar which was her usual job at the club, she preferred to serve alcohol rather than having to openly sleep with any man or woman that walked through the doors. 

If the girls didn't agree they'd get beaten pretty badly and so would Liz since it was her job to keep them in line. 'Remember who you are. Zoey Severide,' she would often remind herself trying not to lose sight of who she was after being her for nearly 5 months. The agent had collected enough evidence and sent it to her handler, Russel knowing they would have enough to shut the operation down. 

He told her to hang tight and he'd see if what she'd gathered was enough but that was nearly a month ago and she hadn't heard anything. The agent began to wonder if they'd forgotten about her, "Liz, you're needed in room 3, I'll take over" Mike said walking behind the bar and taking over pushing her out from behind the counter but not before grabbing her ass. 

Something that happened regularly between him, Joey and Jason who ran the whole operation; he was vicious. Liz tried her best to stay on their good side, in order to even gain access to the entire operation she ended up getting assaulted viciously making what Grissom did to her look like child play. That was the night Liz saw her handler and begged him to pull her out for the third time.

He talked her out of it telling her they didn't have enough and it'd all be for nothing is they pulled her out now. The brunette with an undercut leaving most of her hair up top but shaved the side and back off, along with shaving a couple of slits in her eyebrow. 

Liz walked into the room and shut the door behind her standing in some skimpy linger Jason picked out for her. The brunette turned around to find Russel standing there and anger washed over her. "Where have you been?!?" She said trying not to yell at him, "I'm sorry, it took me longer than expected but we're gonna be taking the whole thing down in the next 24 hours, be ready to scoot," the man said before he handed her a wad of cash and walked out of the room. 

Liz stood there a bit shocked for a second, 'She was going home soon, she could see Jay and Kelly and all her friends, go drink for days,' the agent thought as she snapped out of her daze and walked back out to the bar where Mike was serving a drink, "That was fast," she replied as Zoey handed him the wad of bills. "But I never disappoint," she replied going to take over the bar again she was happy because of the news she just heard. 

"That's our girl," Mike said slapping her ass again as Jason walked into the bar area, "Sounds to me like you like have extra time," Jason replied coldly eyeing her up and down like a snack before he walked over pressing his groin unto her behind as he pushed her down on the counter. 'Please not again' was all Liz could think as his phone went off interrupting whatever plans the sick man had. 

"Hey, When? Okay" Jason said his tone going stern and serious before he hung up the phone, "Get the girls back to the room, now and meet us at the docking bay," Jason told the brunette. "Make sure they don't do anything stupid," Jason said to Mike as he handed him a gun. "What's going on?" Liz asked confused only to get backhanded across the face so hard her face snapped in the other direction. "DO AS I FUCKING TELL YOU BITCH, NOW," Jason yelled shoving her into the side of the bar. 

Mike took her arm and basically dragged her out of the bar area and they both started finding all the girls and sending them downstairs through the tunnels and towards the docking bay when the sound of gunshots rang from back the way they came. The sound caused everyone to pause and Liz to look at Mike who looked at her. "Get in the back, NOW" Mike yelled opening the back of a delivery truck and began shoving one or two girls in the back of the truck before Liz hear gunshots ring out closer this time. "FBI DROP YOUR WEAPON" Someone yelled as shots started getting exchanged. 

The brunette ducked down at 2 of the girls standing beside her dropped to the ground hit by the stray bullets. A sharp pain tore through the agent's shoulder blade before she was dragged into the back of the truck and it sped off. Everything started spinning around her as pain consumed her along with darkness. 

The agent opened her eyes and she was laying on the floor in a small room with 4 mattresses on the floor. Liz looked around noticing Tasha and Mia the two girls that got shoved in the back of the truck. "What happened?" the brunette asked them, "You were shot, when they moved us," Tasha said walking over to her. They moved them during the raid? and they took her with them. How the Hell was she gonna get out of this now? 

The agent took a sharp breath in as pain surged through her whole body especially in her back, if this is how she died she was okay with it only because she knew the only way she would get away from this life now is if she died. The likelihood of them finding the trafficking ring was next to nothing. "How's she doing?" it was Jason's voice that echoes through the room. "She needs a hospital, I already told you that" Mia snapped from next to the brunette. 

In a swift motion, Jason kicked her sending her across the room. "AND I TOLD YOU TO FIX HER" he boomed in anger. "I CAN'T If she doesn't get to a hospital she's gonna die," Mia said from the floor. "NOT HOSPITALS, this bitch is basically already dead" Jason's voice got quieter and quieter as darkness consumed the agent again. 

FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Morgan and Reid walked into the office together after getting called in at 3 in the morning which was never usually good. "What's going on?" Morgan asked walking into the office and over to Rossi, Prentiss, JJ and Garcia. "The director came in with, the section chief and another agent and Hotch have been in there for almost an hour," JJ said as they all looked at the unit chief's office. "Whatever it is can't be good," Morgan said as the doors to Hotch's office opened and the director and section chief walked out of the office. 

"We, gotta talk," Hotch said before walking into the round table room followed by the agent that was in his office. The team stood up and headed straight to the round table room as the director and section chief left. The team walked into the room all hovering not wanting to sit down, "It's about Severide," Hotch said causing the team to look at him. "Is she okay?" Reid asked, "I thought she was on a special assignment?"Morgan said more than asked. 

"She was, the assignment wrapped up almost a month ago, we were supposed to Raid the corporation and make our arrests but things went sideways," the agent said from beside Hotch. "Who are you?" Morgan asked confused. "I'm agent Russel Keys, I'm Severide's handler on this assignment," he replied holding his hand out only to have nobody shake his hand. "What do you mean the Raid went sideways?" Reid asked clearly worried. "Well we managed to get over half the girls out but he lost Severide, 2 girls and the 3 suspects running the ring," Russel said. 

"What?!" Morgan nearly yelled, "When did the Raid happen?" Rossi asked the agent. "6 days ago," Keys replied causing the team to look at him in disbelief. "A federal agent goes missing in a raid for almost a week before anything is said?! are you serious!" Morgan was clearly angry. "Severide needs us more now than ever, we gotta keep our heads on straight. Wheels up in 20" Hotch said to the team who immediately ran out of the room. 

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