Chapter 18

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21st District Police Department, Chicago 

Zoey sat at her desk which was pretty empty compared to the one she had at Quantico. The blonde sighed finishing off her coffee, "So you never mentioned how you took down a human trafficking ring on your own," Mouse said causing Zoey to look at him. "I didn't do it alone, I had a lot of help and If it wasn't for this unit and the bau I can assure you I wouldn't be here" she replied flatly not wanting to talk about it as she stood up and walked into the break room to go make another coffee. 

"You good?" her husband's familiar voice asked walking into the room. "Yea, why wouldn't I be?" she replied pouring a cup of coffee as Jay gave her the look he normally did when he knew something was up, "You just chewed Mouse's head off- I don't like talking about being undercover same as how you don't like talking about the Army," she replied looking at him. "Are you still seeing Dr. Charles?" he asked after a moment as he poured himself a mug of coffee. "Here and there, I guess" she replied walking out of the room as Voight stuck a photo to the board "3 drug overdoses all of the same batch of bad coke," Voight said posting 2 other photos onto the board. 

"Yeah, I talked to med turns out they found high levels of fentanyl in their systems," Jay said walking out of the break room and over to his desk. "Why kill off your clients? isn't that just bad for business?" Ruzek asked, "Well we're gonna find out. I want you to reach out to Ci's and anyone who might know anything. I wanna know who thinks they can sell this garbage in my city and get away with it, Jay you and Zoey are gonna partner up" Voight said before walking back into his office. "Umm Sargeant, isn't that a bit of a conflict of interest?" Zoey asked the older man a bit taken aback she'd been partnered up with her husband. 

Voight paused in the doorway of his office before turning to look at the blonde agent. "I've seen you work cases together in the past and you make a good team, is that gonna be an issue?" he asked. "Yeah, is that gonna be an issue babe?" her husband asked with a smirk and a raised brow. "Not at all, figured you'd be tired of me by now," Zoey replied. "Give it a week," the blonde joked. "Good luck, with that," he replied sassily blowing a kiss at her. 

"Love birds wanna go work the scene?" Voight told the married couple, Zoey and Jay grabbed her phone off her desk as the detective grabbed his phone and keys and they made their way out of the station and outside to his dark grey pickup truck and they went to the scene in Canaryville. 

The Halstead couple worked the scene and made their way back to the district where a box was sitting on her desk. "What's this?" Zoey asked walking back into the bullpen, "Platt dropped it off after you left, Said it was dropped off at the front desk," Antonio said to the agent as she walked over to the box confused. 

Looking at where it was sent from 'Virginia' and it was addressed to Agent Zoey Halstead to the 21st district. The blonde started opening the box as her gut started to turn telling her something was off before she even pulled the box open. 

The agent opened the box as a smell hit her first, it smelt like death and that's when Zoey's eye's landed on the contents of the box causing her to stumble back and almost trip over her desk chair. The detectives were curious as they stood up walking over to the desk noticing a severed head. "What the Hell!" Adam said gagging at the smell. 

All the commotion caused Voight to appear from his office, "Everything alright?" he asked from the doorway of his office as his eyes landed on the room full of shocked faces, "Sarg you're gonna wanna see this," Antonio said causing Voight to walk over noticing the contents of the box. The older sergeant turned to the agent who met his gaze. "The box got dropped off downstairs," Antonio said, "Our case is on hold until we get to the bottom of this," Voight said as Zoey's phone rang. 

The blonde fished her device out and pressed answer, "SSA Halstead- Will you save her Zoey?" a gruff voice said as the blonde paused and put the phone on speaker. "Save who? did you send the box?" she asked through the line catching the room's attention. "The round table isn't complete without Galahad," the voice said only confusing her more. "Did you send the box?" she asked again noticing Mouse trying to trace the call. 

"The path to the end began at his start. To find her first calm, her long-broken heart. She sits in a window with secrets from her knight is it adventure that keeps him out of sight. Remember to Follow the rule," and with that, the line went dead. "Mouse, tell me you got something?" Jay asked. "I got nothing the call was bouncing off a tower in Iceland," Mouse replied defeated. "Send this box to the lab for prints, and DNA and get an ID on this Jane Doe, and Agent Halstead. I recommend calling your team this body was mailed halfway across the country which makes this case federal," The older sergeant said. 

Zoey wasted no time calling Morgan, "Hey superwoman, already bored of the windy city?" he asked with a laugh. "I need you to get the team and come down to Chicago," she said through the line watching as a few officers from the crime lab took the box. "We're kinda in the middle of a- Morgan a severed head was just delivered to my work," she said cutting him off. "What? give me a second I'm putting you on speaker," Morgan said. "Halstead just got a severed head mailed to her," she could hear Morgan say, "When?" Hotch asked through the line as Zoey began filling them in. "The box is being sent for prints and a possible ID," she said, "We'll be there in an hour," Hotch said worry clear in his voice before the line hung up. 

Zoey sighed taking a seat at her desk, "You okay?" Jay asked her. "Yeah, I mean I would've preferred a bottle of tequila or a mix tape but I guess they didn't get the memo," the blonde said with a shrug before taking a seat at Jay's desk. "A mix tape? How old are you?" Adam asked, "Hey some things are just nostalgic, like mix tapes, cute simple 'I love you' notes. But no someone had to do the full-blown Van Gough on crack basically," Zoey said. 

"Actually Van Gough only severed off his ear in an attempt to show the love of his life how much he cared for her," Reid's familiar voice said filling the room. The sound caused a smile to form on Zoey's face, "Well I can see why she didn't wanna be with him, that's the biggest red flag I've ever seen," the agent replied before standing up and going to hug the team including Hotch. 

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