Chapter 3

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Chicago Med 

The agent lay in a hospital bed she wasn't sure where she was or honestly who to trust anymore. Jason ordered her to get tossed away like trash after she was shot and bled out for hours which wasn't a surprise to her those men were sick, vile and some of the worst in humanity she'd ever seen. Selling and buying women and teenagers like their life stock, it made the agent sick. 

She didn't know who to trust because she was promised she'd get out only to end up shot and tossed in a ditch and left there to die. To even her surprise she made it through the events, her memory was spotty though. Liz didn't know how she got into this life, but as far as she could remember it was all she knew. 

A small knock on the door caused her to look up, "Hey, I'm Doctor Halstead, You're at Chicago Med," The somewhat familiar ginger-haired man walked into the room with a white lab coat on. Halstead? why did that name sound so familiar? Chicago that's a long way from Jersey The brunette told herself but stayed quiet. "What's your name?" he asked her as she kept her focus on her hands not making eye contact with the man. "You safe now, I just wanna make sure your okay," the ginger said softly as she stayed quiet until he walked out of the room. 

The blonde sat in bed with a pen and paper making a puzzle, she wasn't entirely sure why but all she knew was that she had to make the crossword puzzle. A small knock on the door sounded through the room and the brunette didn't even bother to look up not wanting to talk to anybody. "Hey, I'm Detective Antonio Dawson, this is my partner Detective Jay Halstead," a voice said causing her to look up to be greeted by two extremely family faces especially the tall detective in the leather jacket. 

She didn't say anything just stopped what she was doing for a moment before she continued making the puzzle. "So what's your name?" detective Dawson asked her, silence filled the room as she didn't say anything just paused again but didn't look at them. "You can tell us what happened your safe now," it was detective Halstead that spoke. The brunette just shook her head no, it wasn't safe and they could tell her she was safe but the fact was if Jason, Mike or Joey found out she was still alive they'd make sure to put a bullet between her eyes. 

"Nobody is gonna hurt you again, but you gotta help us find who did this to you. Don't you want that?" detective Halstead asked her. "You can't protect me," was all she said before going back to her puzzle only to have it taken away by detective Dawson who set it on the side table. "We can find who did this if you talk to us," he said looking her in the eyes as Dr. Halstead walked into the room going over her vitals and checking her chest sounds with a stethoscope. The moment he went to place the stethoscope on her chest she flinched away, the behaviour caused a sad look to cross their faces as they wondered who hurt this woman. 

Downtown Police Department, New Jersey

The BAU team stood in the meeting room going over the evidence they had when Morgan's phone rang. "Hey baby girl you got something for us?" the agent answered the call putting it on speaker. "Yeah, so you know how you asked me to put out a missing person's report nationwide for Liz Shay? Well she was checked into Chicago Med this morning in critical condition all the file said was it was a gunshot wound, bring our girl home," Garcia said before she hung up the line. The team wasted no time in packing up the evidence they collected before heading to the tarmac and flying out to Chicago as soon as they possibly could. 

Chicago Med

Liz sat in bed next to a tray of untouched food as she continued wording on the puzzle when a knock sounded from the door. "Still working on that puzzle? You know most people would rather find the words not make the puzzle" Detective Halstead walked in with a bag that smelt heavenly. "Here, I figure this would be better than whatever my brother's giving you. I know it's good, it's my girlfriend's favourite" he said setting the bag on top of the paper she was writing on. 

The brunette looked up at him and set the food aside the smell causing her to get a wave of nausea. "Look I know your name isn't Liz Shay, so you wanna tell me your real name?" he asked her taking a seat in a chair next to her bed. "My name is Liz Shay," she replied earning a scoff from the detective who rolled his eyes. "If your gonna lie, put some effort into it for me please," he replied irritated by her answer. A knock sounded from the door causing the detective to look up only to be met with the familiar face of the BAU. "What are you guys doing here?" the detective asked them confused. 

"Can we have a word with you in the hall?" Hotch said as the detective nodded and stood up walking out of the room. Liz sat there continuing on the puzzle she'd started earlier that day not wanting to talk to anyone. "Hey how are you doing superwoman?" someone asked, the brunette didn't say anything. "Liz?" someone said causing her to look up at the sound of her name as she looked at a man with confusion on her face. 

He could've gotten her name from the doctor like the detective had, "It's Reid, you left me your crossword puzzles," he said causing her to pause again and look up at him as her brain finally realized who he was as if the fog cleared a bit and she recognized her team standing in the room around her. "Spence?" she asked looking at him as he nodded and pulled her into a hug only to have her flinch when he went to embrace her. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "Did they shut it down? are they gone?" She asked him as confusion washed over his face along with the teams. "Who are they Superwoman?" Morgan asked her, as she froze visibly ging pale. They had no idea, the brunette went silent as Hotch and the detective walked back in and his behaviour was different. 

The moment he walked in though she was hit with a wall of memories causing a massive headache to form. The brunette held her head in her hands for a moment groaning in pain from the shooting pain in her brain. After a moment the pain subside and her vision slowly came back and one of the people she missed the most over the last 7 months was standing in front of her. "Jay," she said softly as the detective walked over pulling her into an embrace. When he raised his hands she flinched at the movement a reaction she'd developed after the living Hell she went through. 

The reaction sent a visible hurt expression across their faces, "What happened to you Zo?" Jay asked as the brunette looked down at her hands, "Did you find my log book?" she asked as the team nodded. "We also found your journal," Morgan said setting the Journal and the log book down in front of her. 

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