Chapter 15

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Molly's Bar, Bucktown Chicago 

"I need some air," Zoey said after a moment pushing herself up from the table and walking out the front door walking around the side of the bar before leaning against the wall of the building pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and lighting one inhaling the harsh chemicals into her lungs. The blonde exhaled a small cloud of smoke as the door to the bar opened and Jay walked out looking around for her. 

"Hey," Zoey said catching his attention before taking another drag of the cigarette, "Why didn't you tell me, you were thinking about resigning?" he asked as she slowly exhaled the smoke away from his face. "Because you were already worried and I still have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do from here," the blonde said taking another drag of the smoke when Jay took it from her tossing it on the ground. "Hey- You don't need those, talk to me, babe. Please I don't care that you resigned honestly I just wanna know why you didn't tell me you were thinking about this decision." the detective said with concern in his voice. "I've been thinking about it since I got my dad killed and I haven't stopped thinking about it since then," Zoey said with a sigh looking up at her husband. 

"Zoey, you didn't get Benny killed. You gotta stop blaming yourself for that. You didn't pull that trigger and you didn't shoot him." Jay said holding her shoulders at arm's length away looking her in the eyes as he spoke. "You gotta believe me, babe," he said softly hurt written on his face. Zoey let out a shaky breath as tears welled up in her eyes, "I want to but I don't," she replied as a tear fell from her eyes. 

Jay engulfed her in a hug unsure of what to say as he rubbed her back, "I'm gonna keep telling you the same thing until you believe me then" was all he said softly as he pressed a kiss on top of her head. "Why don't we head home?" he suggested as Zoey nodded, "I love you," she said softly pulling away from the hug to look at her husband. "I love you too, come on," he said with a smile wrapping his arm around her as they started walking over to his truck when he paused holding his hand out to the blonde who was confused for a moment. "I know you have a pack," the detective said referring to a pack of cigarettes. 

"How- I know" was all he said as she pulled out the pack and handed them to Jay who held out his other hand. "And the lighter" he added as she sighed handing him the lighter from the same pocket. The detective walked over to a garbage can and threw the pack and lighter in the garbage. "Jay what the Hell..." the blonde said slightly annoyed by his actions, "You don't need them Zo, they're a horrible habit to start and I'm gonna protect you even from yourself. It's my responsibility as your husband, we're in this together babe," Jay said causing a smile to form on Zoey's face. "Now let's head home," the detective said with a smile as he opened the door for her helping her into the truck before walking around to the driver's seat. Jay started the truck and began driving back to his apartment. 

The two days off seemed to fly by as it typically did and the next thing Zoey knew she was boarding a plane again leaving her husband, family and friends behind her to go back to work on her final case before she left the Bau and essentially the FBI. 

FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Zoey stepped off the elevator and walked through the pair of glass double doors into the Bau office walking over to her desk dropping her bag on the floor and taking a seat at her desk. "Hey Superwoman, welcome back. How was the Windy City?" Morgan asked from his desk. "It was Home," she replied. "How's Jay?" Reid asked her from his desk, "He's good, and he says Hey" She said with a smile. "Halstead," Hotch said from the top of the stairs before walking into his office. "What's that about?" Prentiss asked walking into the office with Garcia and JJ. "No idea," the blonde said standing up from her desk and making her way up the stairs and into the unit chief's office. 

"Sir?" she said walking through the door confused, "Get the door," Hotch said standing in front of his desk with Rossi. Zoey shut the door and turned to look at them. "Have a seat," Rossi told her. "I'm okay, I'll stand. What's going on?" she asked the older agents. Hotch held up her resignation letter. "What's going on Zoey? If you needed more time off after- No It's not that I need more time Hotch," she said cutting him off. "Then what's going on kid?" Rossi asked her. 

It was clear to Zoey that they were profiling her especially since her resignation seemed out of the blue. "Look I've been thinking this over since my dad was killed, the things we see and deal with and that last case; I can't eat or sleep right since it started..." the agent said. "I love working alongside this team it's honestly the biggest reason I don't wanna leave but... the cases we and the unsubs we chase. I'm tired of showing up after half a dozen bodies turn up," she added. "We get it, kid, we just wanna make sure your sure about leaving the bureau," Hotch said more than asked understanding what the agent was going through. 

"Have you thought about what your gonna do after this?" Rossi asked her causing the blonde agent to shrug. "I don't really know what the next step after this is, or if I'll come back but I need to move onto something different right now and closer to home so I can go home to my husband each night," she told them earning a nod as a knock sounded on the door and JJ popped her head into the office. "We got a case," she said looking around the room. 

Hotch nodded and they made their way out of the unit chief's office walking into the round table room where the rest of the team was waiting. Zoey took a seat next to Morgan and Reid who were watching her every move along with the rest of the team who was curious about what was going on. "Before we start I wanted you all to know that this is the last case that agent Halstead will be working with the bau," Hotch said causing all eyes to turn to the blond agent. 

"Wait what?"Morgan asked, "But you just got back." Reid said as looks of hurt and confusion washed over her team. "I know, but it's something I have to do right now," Zoey said hoping they understood. JJ started briefing the team on the kidnapping of a 6-year-old girl in North Carolina. 

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