Chapter 26

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21st District Police Department, Chicago

Zoey walked out of the break room with a cup of coffee as Sergeant Voight walked out of his office. "So all the Od's all lead back to a strip club downtown called 'Highlights' we need two people to go in and try to find Dante Ricko," Voight said as the blonde sat there going over the evidence for anything that might tell them more. 

"Please pick me, Sarge," Adam said  "No, I wanna go, "Kevin said as the guys argued. "How about Zoey and Jay, it should be a couple," Voight replied causing the blonde to look up at him a bit surprised. "You're sending us into a strip club?" she said more than asked, "It's not like you've never been to one, didn't Shay and Kelly take you to one after you graduated from the academy?" Antonio said causing the blonde to toss her notepad in his direction along with a look that said it all. 

"Wait what? why am I just hearing about that?" Jay asked with a smirk across his face. "Shay got me a stripper after I graduated from the academy, that was her idea not mine," Zoey replied before heading towards the locker room. "Yea but you weren't opposed," Antonio replied as her face went red. "Wait why would Shay and Kelly get you a stripper?" Adam asked confused. "Because Shay and I were dating and she thought it'd be the most iconic way to celebrate I guess" Zoey replied shrugging before walking down the hall to the locker room. "Wait she's- OPENLY BISEXUAL" Zoey called back as she walked into the locker room and pulled out a dress she had in her locker in case she had to go undercover. 

The dress was Scarlett red with a corset top and strapless, she added a pair of black stilettos and a black leather jacket. Zoey was finishing off her hair and makeup when Jay walked in. "So you and Shay?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, I thought I mentioned that at some point," the blonde said glancing at him in the mirror. "No, nope. I'd definitely remember that conversation. So does that mean we could- Seriously?" Zoey asked looking at the detective know what he was gonna ask. "I mean it's a valid question," he replied as his eyes scanned over his wife's figure. "Already bored of me?" she asked him, "Never, just. curious" he replied. "Maybe, Maybe not" Zoey replied with a smirk finishing off her makeup before she and Jay walked downstairs towards the garage where everyone was getting ready to roll out. 

Highlights, Downtown Chicago

Zoey and Jay walked into the club around 11:30 Pm and the building was full of people drinking dancing, and getting lap dances among other things. The blonde took a shakey breath looking around the room that reminded her of her time undercover. "You good?" the detective asked her as they walked towards the bar. "Yeah," the blonde replied scanning the room as they walked over to the bar. 

"Liz?" a familiar voice asked causing Zoey to freeze, "Roll with it," Sarge said through their earpiece. The blonde slowly turned around to come face to face with a man she'd definitely seen before but she honestly couldn't place a face to the name. "Hey," she said forcing a smile on her face. "It's Brad, we used to hang out," he said immediately noticing she didn't remember. "Right! sorry my memories have been a bit fuzzy but that could be the tequila," she says holding up the water she ordered before chugging the whole thing back. 

Jay stood by the bar sitting on an iced tea close enough to jump in if needed but not close enough to be noticed. "To be fair it was a little more than hard liquor," Brad said causing Zoey to let out an awkward laugh. "You know I don't do that crap, hard liquor is better for the soul," she replied causing Brad to chuckle. "There's a reason your drinks always had an extra kick to them, plus you looked like you needed something after Jason's meetings with you," he replied as Zoey chewed her cheeks trying to fight her anger as she just found out Brad was drugging her for most of her undercover operation. "Ask him if you could set up a buy," Voight said into her earpiece. 

Zoey put a fake smile on her face as she leaned closer, "do you... have any? I'm looking to party..." she said softly as Brad eyed her up and down. Zoey could feel Jay's anger from behind her he wasn't a fan of this especially when someone just called her by her undercover name. Something felt off to him but he didn't know what it was. Brad nodded silently, "Let's go somewhere more, private," he said softly in her ear causing her to fight the chills that went down her spine. 

She just had to get eyes on the drugs and then they could arrest Brad and bring him down to the station. Brad led the blonde through the crowd noticing Jay following behind but keeping his distance watching as the brunette walked Zoey into a storage room shutting the door behind them. 

The moment the door closed Zoey have to keep her composure. Nothing would happen, Jay was right outside and the team was ready to raid the building the moment she used the safeword, which was Whiskey. Brad locked the door before turning and walking past the blonde and over to a desk and switched a light on where he set up a couple of lines of a white substance on the desk. The brunette railed the line as Zoey scanned the room her eyes widening at the shelves on the walls that had 2 keys of coke sitting there. "After this wanna go get some whiskey? I love a fine, smooth aged whiskey," she said knowing the team would catch what she meant. 

"Sure," he said holding out the straw for her to do a line as a bang came from the door causing Brad to panic and the door got kicked in. The brunette grabbed Zoey by the hair dragging her in front of him using her as a shield while her husband stood there with his gun pointed at them. Brad pulled a gun out of his waistband pressing it to the side of Zoey's head. "DROP THE GUN" Jay yelled at the man, "Wanna see her brain splatter across the wall?" Brad growled backing away from Jay while still using her as a shield. 

Zoey made eye contact with Jay who didn't have a clear shot, the blonde took a deep breath hoping the idea she had would work. Zoey balled her fist and swang back sacking Brad in the groin causing him to let her go and start to drop to his knees. That's when her elbow collided with his lower jaw before she heard a loud BANG!

Everything slowed down and a sharp pain ripped through her neck as she struggled to take a breath choking on something warm. "CPD DON'T MOVE" Antonio yelled as her vision started to blur. "No, no, no. Zoey. Baby. You're gonna be okay" Jay said coming into her sight as he put pressure on her neck. "Hang in there babe please" his voice was distant as everything spun around her. 

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