My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 50

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Chapter 50

I woke up feeling a tightness in my chest.

At first, I wasn't sure about what was going on. With eyes closed, I wondered if it was because of that movie we watched last night. It scared me shitless, but I don't think it was the reason for my breathing difficulties. Suddenly somebody snored right in my left ear, and I just knew I found the cause. Groaning, I twisted around so that my back was facing my best friend. However, my eyes popped right open when her embrace grew tighter. I felt as if I was wearing a human corset. God, this girl was strong.

"I shouldn't have let you sleep on my sleepover bed," I grumbled under my breath as I attempted to wiggle away from her hold. Thankfully, my movements managed to stir her sleeping form.

"It's toooo early," she whined, her voice still thick with sleep. "Please be quiet, darling."

I glanced at the clock on her nightstand, because I didn't have the slightest clue what time it was. Eleven o'clock. I've gotta get home soon. "Cindy, I have to go. I have to get ready," I said, struggling to sit up.

"It's just Charlie, you can be a week late for your date an he'll be totally fine with it," Cindy retorted, laughing at her own joke. When she saw the unimpressed look I was giving her, she shrugged and let me go. "Fine, do what you want."

I carefully left the bed, then collected my things from various spots in the room. Once I was done, I went and changed into more appropriate clothes in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face. And, since my curls were a haphazzard frizz-monster, I lazily put it in a very messy bun. It should do for now; my house isn't that far away. As I exited the bathroom, I made sure the coast was Charlie-free. I mean, I'd rather he didn't see me like this before our date. I tiptoed my way down the hall, and then down the stairs.

"See yah, Mr and Mrs Fellows!" I said, waving at them from the back door. They smiled and waved back. The two of them looked so cute in their gardening apparel, especially Mr Fellows with his cheesy overalls. Meanwhile, Mrs Fellows was sporting a cute gardening hat. They both had gardening tools in hand, and the sight put a smile to my face as I quietly left their home.

I probably looked absolutely ridiculous with my big hair and my tired face, my weird smile and my multiple bags. As I took each step, I thought about what I was going to wear for the date Charlie had planned for us, and if I was actually okay with it--which I was. Afterwards, it didn't really take long for my mind to veer off to more random thoughts.


"Honey, Charlie's here," my mother practically sang from my doorway.

Heaving a sigh, I asked her, "How do I look?"

She examined me with a curious expression. I wore a pair of lightwashed jeans, a basic white shirt, a denim jacket, and white trainers. My curls were a little tamer after my shower and mad towel-drying. After a minute or so of inspecting me, my mom smiled. She hugged me briefly, and kissed my cheek. "You look perfect, Elouise. I'm glad you're finally doing this."

My brows pulled together. "Doing what?"

"Going out with the boy of your dreams," she replied, giggling like a proper schoolgirl. She quickly escorted me out of my bedroom and gave me a little push as I walked in the direction of our front door.


"Just kidding! Now go," she said, waving me off with a teasing smile. She turned away before I had the chance to complain about anything.

My heart thumped again as I turned one last time to get to the front door that was left slightly ajar. I gently pulled it open. The first thing I saw was his hair. It was tousled and brown, and...he was looking at his shoes? He had his hands in the pockets of his jeans and his face was obscured from my line of vision. I smiled, typical Charlie trying to hide his face when he's nervous.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now